FBI shill
Testimony based on personal knowledge is "evidence." Duh!
Fakek and gaykek
The FBI agents dont give a flying fuck about this crooked asshole nobody. Lock him up!
Arrest moar, deport moar, build the wall moar period
I think that's correct. He doesnt need congressional authorization to build the Wall, he just needs the funds. Later he can impose tariffs on Mexican money transfers to reimburse Treasury for all costs of the Wall. He will build the Wall and Mexico will pay for that Wall. If he doesnt, he cant run again in 2020, no credibility. Trump supporters arent brain-dead Soetero voters, many of whom dont exist anyway.
So, just the opposite of what that demoncrat shill says.
You probably noticed on social media platforms that Trump lost a tremendous amount of conservative support over the signing of the budget bill. Skepticism over Trump's agenda soared 500%. He lost a lot of the base in a day.
There will be much more "show me" henceforth.
Agree, he began our current slide into shit by starting up the needless Middle Eastern wars which ruined our economy.
Pussy confirmed.
He cant win, too many sheep.
I dont believe anything about anything until I see it. Most of what Q has said, for example, has not happened. That's a matter of fact, not belief.
The only Boom! I heard was the House Russia Report - but it's only a Boom! if everybody says it is. A Boom! has a !, not a ?
What I've been saying all along is that demoncrats are groupthinkers and being a fired and arrested loser is not who demoncrats will lockstep after, it's not "cool." These people are not only stupid, they have no real principles.
Just put a picture of Trump on every packet of Kools and all Hennesseys labels, then Trump will be a "cool nigger."
Could be, we'll see.
Does anybody else feel relief when they come on here and dont see a bunch of namefaggots? Namefaggotry sucks, it ruins the board. Let's not respond to ANY namefags, no matter what they say.
Libtards gonna tard.
Look up Angel Numbers, dont allow numbers to be associated with evil. It's just another hijacking.
Free Beer Tomorrow. Q
I saw that on a tv show, "Life Before Mexicans."
I aint seen no plan.