>(from previous bread)
>humanity lost another warrior to Armageddon
This humanimal also finds comfort here among the autists, especially when evil strikes near home…
Due to the constant betrayal of this world, trust for anyone/anything in this corrupted world is rare among us.
But when reason is satisfied that sincerity and truth is flowing, then WE CAN ALL SEE THE HEART of things in motion, as the passion for freedom and for the possibility of an un-frustrated life sweep through the dustbin of our minds, clearing out illusions standing guard between the heart and the mind’s unconsciousness.
We feel our singular origin, the source of our being and we declare our truth, with no fucks given!!
One of several reasons for this place being enlisted to help lead the consciousness change is, setting the example of self-less collaboration, setting up seed awareness of the Big Picture, in STABLE FORM, so that the 100th monkey phenomena swells up and creates a tsunami of stable, clear-eyed comprehension of the darkness!
We are the proof that human consciousness CAN handle the truth!
We are living embodiments of the new template for humanity: seeing all yet still maintaining sanity and keeping a tender heart!
The fluid group dynamics in all of its drunkard’s walk chaos, is the showcase for new ways for humanity to collaborate, ELIMINATING THE NECESSITY FOR BACKROOM DEALS, TOP-DOWN SOCIAL CONTROL, and for delusional “special” people to subvert the will to freedom for their own selfish purposes, while pretending that is for the good of the sheeple!
Expand our minds
Expand our hearts
Expand our souls