Anonymous ID: 2715f4 Jan. 12, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.7794274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7792068 (pb)

Okay… I'm not trying to set up "slides"… or be a "weed" God knows my heart. I'm just trying to figure things out just like the rest of you. Our history has been made obscure for a reason. We all know that. Just so my "pondering post" doesn't lead anyone astray (That's the VERY last thing I want to do because to lead someone to eternal death is as wicked as it gets)… I am unsure what came first, the chicken or the egg… were these books added, then removed… or simply removed? That was all I meant to imply… and if they were A is this a connection? and if B is this a connection?

I'm still digging.

But I think, for now, I need to focus on reading the bible and studying its history and remembering that I need to lean more on God and our savior who died for us, than on these boards.

God bless us all with wisdom and discernment.

Anonymous ID: 2715f4 Jan. 12, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.7794996   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Alan Bender testified in a Federal Court and gave VIDEO testimony. Let's not also forget the overwhelming douments proving that Omar has lied about her identity, her origins, and so on…

At least we have a head up of what the left will be trying to spin. "He's not real! He is part of a scheme to smear Omar!"

