Anonymous ID: 97990d Jan. 12, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.7794735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here's a .pdf of the 2016 report on Human Rights Abuses by Iran:


The next time some journalist lionizes Soleimani, or some politician refuses to stand for the Iranian people, remember this:

>The law provides for the death penalty in cases of murder, “attempts against the security of the state,” “outrage against high-ranking officials,” “moharebeh” (enmity towards or waging war against God or “drawing a weapon on the life, property, or chastity of persons or to cause terror as it creates the atmosphere of insecurity”), “fisad fil-arz” (corruption on earth–including apostasy or heresy), rape, adultery, drug possession and trafficking, recidivist alcohol use, consensual same-sex sexual activity, and “insults against the memory of Imam Khomeini (the previous supreme leader) and against the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic.” Prosecutors frequently used moharebeh as a criminal charge against political dissidents and journalists, accusing them of struggling against the precepts of Islam and against the state, which upholds those precepts. Authorities have expanded the scope of this to include “working to undermine the Islamic establishment” and “cooperating with foreign agents or entities,” according to academics. The judiciary is required to review and validate death sentences.


As far as Liberals are concerned, point out that you can get the death penalty for drug possession, gay sexual activity, drinking too much, or "speaking truth to power." If a Democrat is for Iran, they are for these laws as well.