Anonymous ID: d1e029 Jan. 12, 2020, 1:33 p.m. No.7794606   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7792099 (pb)


>>7789903 (pb)


>Is it possible there would be no listing for 2018 with the SEC if the assets of the MASTERCARD FOUNDATION were seized under the EO on Dec. 21, 2017 regarding Human trafficking and corruption?


The thought definitely crossed my mind. I believe the reporting party to file the 13G (owners 10%) would be Mastercard Cl. A. (ticker MA)


Any lawfags around? If the assets were frozen under the Exec. Order, subject to civil or criminal forfeiture, would Treasury have sent MA some kind of notice, and then maybe MA didn't know how to report?


The easier answer of course, is that Mastercard Foundation sold off just enough shares in 2017 to drop the percentage of ownership under the radar,


that Mastercard issued additional share and sold them to the public, thereby dropping M/C Foundation under the reporting threshold.