Anonymous ID: d6b9cf Jan. 12, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.7794317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4326 >>4410 >>4571

Just had an experience which reinforced in me the notion that Trump and Q are doing the right thing by slow-walking. Had lunch with a good friend I had not seen in some time. Both of us come from a radical libertarian background, yet socially very conservative. While he remained in the realm of theory, I became engrossed in the facts of conspiracies, to the point of being a truther…today I realized he's so far away from me that I couldn't reach him no matter how many facts I put out there.


He'll talk to you endlessly about the corruption of Washington politics, how horrible the CIA has been, and how much he loves Ron Paul, but in the end that's it…no solution, no consideration as to how to right the ship. The state is evil, and that's the end of the discussion. And while recognizing it's evil, he can't even consider the possibility that "terrorists" in the Middle East might be CIA assets. To him, everything is intellectual error…the idea that there is a real design to destroy the American way of life is laughable.


I once considered this person "red-pilled" like myself, but now, I almost don't even know him anymore. Sad and gives me the need for a pick-me-up. In any respect, we're GOING TO WIN.

Anonymous ID: d6b9cf Jan. 12, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.7794460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4465


Couldn't agree more…that's why I've eschewed political philosophy and things like the NAP…it's a trap, a sort of mental paralysis that makes you think that no matter what the other side says, you can play that card and remain in the shadows…"above the fray" of partisan politics, so to speak.


That state might be an evil thing, but it can't be prosecuted in any court other than the law of the jungle, and our enemies are REAL people doing REAL things.