Anonymous ID: daeb0b Jan. 12, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.7794241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4347 >>4385 >>4413 >>4482 >>4600

New Science Proves Vaccines SPREAD Infectious Disease, Causing Up To 15x MORE Infections Among Fully Vaccinated Children


A new peer-reviewed scientific paper published in the journal Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines has found that the DTaP vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough) is causing children who receive it to become more prone to contracting whooping cough later on in life.


According to the study, children who receive the entire DTaP series of vaccinations are up to 15 times more likely to contract whooping cough at the five-year mark following these jabs compared to unvaccinated children, completely obliterating the myth that whooping cough outbreaks are the result of “anti-vaxxers.”


As it turns out, the vast majority of children being affected by pertussis outbreaks are vaccinated children, which some health authorities are reluctantly admitting. Even so, pro-vaxxers are insistent that all disease spread is caused by unvaccinated children, despite the fact that science continues to prove otherwise.


What’s more, the DTaP vaccine, along with many other vaccines, fails to provide permanent protection against disease – assuming they provide any protection at all. As reported in the same aforementioned DTaP study, pertussis antibodies experience a “rapid decline” in as little as 2-3 years post-vaccination, “often to pre-vaccination levels.”


Even though antibody levels alone “are not necessarily indicative of waning immunity,” this same study goes on to explain, “in this case given the higher risk of infection after aP (acellular pertussis) vaccine with time, it is strongly suggestive of it.”


It would be better if children weren’t vaccinated with DTaP vaccines at all because research shows that they actually increase susceptibility to disease after the antigens have all worn off. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) says that this “linked-epitope suppression,” once it subsides, increases disease susceptibility, “and there is no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility.”


Modern whooping cough vaccines don’t protect against whooping cough or its spread, just like polio vaccines


Another paper published in the journal BMC Medicine contrasts the difference between whole-cell pertussis vaccines (wP) and aP vaccines, the latter of which replaced the former. Acellular pertussis (aP) vaccines, this particular study denotes, might block symptomatic disease but not asymptomatic transmission, which could account “for the observed increase in B. pertussis incidence.”


It’s a little science-heavy for the average person to understand, but suffice it to say that aP vaccines for pertussis, including DTaP, might appear to work initially, but ultimately fail to provide long-term protection from, also known as real immunity to, disease. Likewise, aP vaccines fail to protect against transmission of disease, which means people vaccinated with them are a serious public health risk.


“… public health authorities may be facing a situation similar to that of polio, where vaccinated individuals can still transmit infection,” this same paper reveals.

Anonymous ID: daeb0b Jan. 12, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.7794285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4309 >>4337 >>4368 >>4551

My wife needs a job! Astonishing moment Prince Harry appears to tout Meghan Markle for a Disney voiceover job as he's seen explaining her credentials to Hollywood mogul Bob Iger at Lion King premiere


On the red carpet of the Lion King premiere last July, the Duke of Sussex collared the powerful Disney chief

It was revealed yesterday Meghan has signed a voiceover deal with Disney in exchange for charity donation

Branching into voiceovers could be a hint towards how the couple become 'financially independent


Meghan Markle's voiceover deal with Disney could have been swung by Harry after video footage emerged of the Prince seemingly trying to persuade franchise boss Bob Iger to give his wife a job.


At the Lion King premiere in London last July, the Duke of Sussex collared the powerful Disney chief and advertised his ex-actress partner's 'interest' in doing voiceover work.


During the hushed conversation, caught on camera by a fan, the Prince gestures to Meghan and says: 'You do know she does voiceovers?'


Iger can be heard replying: 'Ah, I did not know that.' Harry then responds: 'You seem surprised. She's really interested.' The Disney chief then says: 'We'd love to try. That's a great idea.'


It was revealed yesterday by the Times that Meghan has signed a voiceover deal with the Walt Disney Company in exchange for a donation to Elephants Without Borders, a wildlife charity that helps to track and protect the animals from poachers.


The star-studded premiere last summer raised funds for Harry's conservation projects in Africa, particularly raising awareness of the dwindling numbers of lions in Kenya.



Anonymous ID: daeb0b Jan. 12, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.7794332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4822

'Regime change is in the air': US establishment seeks to capitalize on Iranian protests… again


The protests in Iran that followed Tehran's admission of its role in the downing of the Ukrainian passenger jet were met with an outpouring of support from Washington. But is it about Iranians, or regime change?


US officials and establishment figures certainly spared no effort as they went out of their way to show how much they supposedly admire the ‘courage’ of Iranians who took to the streets to vent their anger at the fact that a Ukrainian passenger jet, with many Iranians on board, was mistakenly shot down by Iran's military – something Tehran admitted of its own volition before the results of the crash investigation were made public.


However, Washington apparently decided that this tragedy, which took the lives of 176 people, is a good enough reason to remind Iranians – who are already consumed by grief – just how much they are ‘suffering’ at the hands of a supposedly ‘oppressive’ regime that, by sheer coincidence, turns out to be America's arch-rival in the region.


President Donald Trump spent the last couple of days tweeting compliments to the protesters and warnings to Tehran, both in English and in Farsi. On Sunday he demanded that Tehran "stop the killing of your great Iranian people." There are no reports of deaths during the protests over the plane downing, even though law enforcement had to deploy tear gas and water cannons against an agitated crowd on several occasions.

Anonymous ID: daeb0b Jan. 12, 2020, 1:54 p.m. No.7794759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4789 >>4822

Esper Contradicts Trump: "Didn't See" Specific Evidence Of Iran Plot To Attack 4 Embassies


When late last week President Trump first referenced a Soleimani-directed plot to "blow up" the US embassy in Baghdad, which during a Friday Fox interview became in the president's words “I believe it would’ve been four embassies” — senators which had been given a classified briefing Wednesday balked, saying no such intelligence was referenced but should have been if there was evidence.


And now no less than Secretary of Defense Mark Esper appears to have publicly contradicted the White House's rationale for taking out the "imminent" threat of Qasem Soleimani. Esper told CBS' Face the Nation on Sunday that he "didn't see" specific evidence for embassy attacks, while adding that he still believes such an attack was likely.


"The president didn't cite a specific piece of evidence. What he said was he believed," Esper said.


“What the president said was that there probably could be additional attacks against embassies. I shared that view,” Esper said. “The president didn’t cite a specific piece of evidence.”


When pressed on whether intelligence officers offered concrete evidence on that point he said: “I didn’t see one with regards to four embassies.” — Reuters


During a separate CNN interview on Sunday, the Pentagon chief continued to awkwardly dance around the question of whether specific intelligence showed such an attack was being planned. Esper described that Trump merely "believed" it to be the case, while refusing to confirm any particular intelligence.


But earlier statements of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who before reporters defended Trump's assertion about the IRGC targeting the embassies, suggested there was specific intelligence.


When Pompeo was pressed on Friday by reporters over the nature of the "imminent threat" claims, he said: “We had specific information on an imminent threat and that threat stream included attacks on U.S. embassies. Period. Full stop.” And asked about what made it imminent, Pompeo simply said: “It was going to happen.”


At first it was unclear whether President Trump was claiming to have seen specific intelligence outlining such a threat, or perhaps was just speaking generally and in his usual hyperbolic style ("blow up" the embassy) of the pro-Iranian mob's actions besieging the US embassy in Baghdad days prior to the Soleimani assassination.


The demonstrators had been filmed setting the outer walls of the compound on fire during the chaotic events nearly two weeks ago which resulted in a contingent of Marines rapidly deploying from Kuwait to bolster embassy security.

Anonymous ID: daeb0b Jan. 12, 2020, 1:55 p.m. No.7794767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4822

Ex-Marine Impersonates Trump Security Member, Gets Arrested Heading Towards Marine One


A former US marine who was dishonorably discharged a decade ago for "serious offenses" was busted last week for posing as a member of President Trump's security team in a bid to get near Marine One - the president's helicopter.


37-year-old Brandon M. Magnan of Naples, FL - a registered sex offender - was driving a Honda Pilot with an unidentified male passenger around 3pm on January 5, when he bluffed his way through two security checkpoints using falsified credentials bearing the seals of the Marines and the Marine Corps Executive Flight Detachment, according to the New York Times.


Magnan was attempting to breach protective zone established around Atlantic Aviation - which provides hangar space, jet fuel and flight support services - ahead of President Trump's planned departure from Palm Beach to Washington.


It wasn’t clear why Mr. Magnan was trying to get near the helicopter. Marine One, which is piloted and protected by the Marine Corps unit known as HMX-1, is used to transport the president for shorter trips, the Secret Service said.


Mr. Trump was spending his winter vacation in Palm Beach, Fla., at his private Mar-a-Lago resort at the time of the episode with Mr. Magnan. -NYT


Magnan was charged January 6 for impersonating an officer or employee of the United States, according to a criminal complaint filed by the Secret Service. The former marine - who was dishonorably discharged after being convicted at a court-martial for "serious offenses" - was spotted by a Sheriff's deputy who noticed that he was not wearing a Marine Corps uniform, as is standard during presidential travel.


The deputy contacted Trump's actual security detail, who identified Magnan's credentials as fake. When he was confronted by law enforcement, he said that he was a retired member of HMX-1, the official designation for Marine One.