Anonymous ID: ef27ab Jan. 12, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.7794263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4628 >>4867 >>4930 >>4944

🚨 ATTENTION Anons - Digg & MEME request 🚨

Since Mike 2020 is offering to fund any Dem campaign in violation of FEC regulations, lets put assemble an arsenal of knowledge on MIKE 2020 since he’ll be the easiest opponent to defeat.

(little known) FACT: Bloomberg is the founder of “C40Cities” whose goal is implementation of Agenda 21 in The US.

pics related

Partners: Clinton Foundation

ICLEI consultant for UN Agenda 21

100 Resilient Cities Local Agenda 21


Plenty here start with c40cities and digg on all partners. Search for ties to Agenda 21.


Make the 2020 election: Trump vs. The Globalists and Agenda 21. We can clearly define the opponent. Globalism vs. Trump. GOD WINS!!!