Anonymous ID: 763a2b Jan. 12, 2020, 5:42 p.m. No.7796495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6521 >>6533 >>6544 >>6552 >>6553 >>6559

I love my children and my family. Been lurking mostly for a long time (since Jan 2018). I am at the point where I know who is a shill and bypass what does not serve this movement. You are all patriots (anons researching, baking, creating memes, proofs, planefags etc) and we are STILL HERE…very little affects me anymore, no more anger, no more need to attack the opposition just complete resolve to destroy them at their own game. I wish no harm on anyone who is here for truth, enlightenment and who wants to see our world and our beautiful country become the best (and I mean good and righteous and free) it can and ever could be.

Time has just passed on revealing so many truths I never dreamed I could know because of anons and you patriots. I have leveled up because of all of you. This truly is a silent spiritual war…and I stand with you till the end, whatever that means.