Anonymous ID: a3c417 Jan. 12, 2020, 4:56 p.m. No.7796142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6159 >>6209

How To Red Pill Normies the Easy Way


With credible AUTHORITY that they can SELF VERIFY - it removes their Ego Beliefs vs. your Ego Beliefs.


This is Verbatim how I Red Pill :


1. There is a Secret Battle between Good and Evil going on right now in our Country. It's not about Republican or Democrat because there are criminals in both parties. It's about Good vs. Evil.


The US has 94 Federal District Courts. Every case filed in these 94 Federal District Courts can be seen by anyone, on pacer. gov. which is the OFFICIAL Federal District Court website. In the past 2 years, since Oct. 2017, there are now 140,000+ Sealed Indictments in our Federal Court system. This has never happened in the history of our country. Normally, sealed indictments are about 1,000 per year.


As of _ (month)2020, we are now up to ___ (140,000) sealed indictments. So you KNOW something big is going on. That's not me saying it, you can go to pacer. gov and see it for yourself.


2. In the past 2 years, THOUSANDS of CEOs have resigned. The last time I checked the List, there were like over 5,000 (?) CEOs who have stepped down, also some Prime Ministers. Why would Thousands of CEOs resign and give up their $10 Million Dollar Jobs?


Some big names like Eric Schmidt resigned, Chairman of Alphabet which is the parent co. of Google resigned about 6 months ago. The co-founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergei Brin both Resigned. Banking CEOs, and other big Global companies.  Never in history, have THOUSANDS of CEOs suddenly resign and give up their multi-million Dollar salaries, so you KNOW there's something huge going on behind the scenes. If you want, I can give you the link to the List of the CEO resignations, and you can see for yourself.


3. Have you heard about Q? (if the answer is No):

Q is a small group of high level people in the US Military and Intelligence community, and Q drops info on this secret battle that's going on behind the scenes. The drops are coded messages to the American people so we can have an idea of what's going on. The messages are coded because they can't let the criminals know what the Patriots in our Government are doing to take down the Corruption. You can read this yourself.


The Q website is qanon dot pub. — This is when I reach for my pen and a scrap of paper.

I once had a store security guard pull out a small notebook from his back pocket so I could write qanon .pub in it.  In every case, the other person eagerly puts the paper in their pocket or purse. and as I walk away, they'll thank me with a happy spirit as if they know they got something good.


For me, this has worked on old, young, male, female, belief systems and every walk of life. Even if they forget about the qanon piece of paper, I've planted the seed in their mind.

When the FakeNews MSM is finally neutralized, and the Truth starts to come out to the normies, these normies will be reminded of what I've shared with them, and they will have a spark of recQgnition and be more open to it.


>If I or they Have Time, I will add in #4 - GITMO

4. You've heard of GITMO ? Guantanamo Bay? You know how when the US Government wants something built, they give out contracts to Companies.  Someone posted online the actual Federal Gov't "Offer to Bid" inviting Contractors to bid on this Gov't contract. I saw it.

It was dated July 1, 2018 (IIRC) and the Contract Offer was for Construction companies to Bid on building a new facility on GITMO.

The Contract was for building a new 13,000 Bed Facility for Detainees. In GITMO, they don't call them "prisoners", they call them "detainees"… I smile:) , and also to build a 5,000 Bed Facility for the Guards.So this is our Government building 18,000 new beds at GITMO. I pause….Now remember the 140,000 Sealed Indictments.  Btw, each Indictment can name from 1-99 people on it, do we don't know yet how many people are under indictment.Once these 140,000+ Indictments are unsealed, many people will be Arrested….. Think of the 13,000 new beds at GITMO.


TIPS to Remember


  1. DO NOT say anything Political. If you mention Trump and they're liberal, their ears will close up.

  2. Watch their faces. As necessary, again say "This is not me saying this, anyone can go to the pacer dot gov Website, that's the OFFICIAL FEDERAL Court computer system, you can see all this for yourself". This always relaxes their resistance because this shows them it has nothing to do with your Ego vs. their Ego.

  3. Do not talk about anything else because the sheeple have been brainwashed for decades with the Mockingbird term "conspiracy theory".

  4. Think of Red Pilling as if you're doing an Elevator Pitch. You want to get these points across without dilution.


Accept The Q

Thanks for reading!

Anonymous ID: a3c417 Jan. 12, 2020, 5:35 p.m. No.7796450   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cathy O'Brien in her book Trance Formation of America - wrote that her daughter Kelly was being programmed in the MK-Ultra labs.


She described a particularly violent session in which after Senator Robert Byrd (D) whipped her to a bloody pulp, Lt. Michael Acquino walked in with her 5 year old daughter Kelly after a 3 hour rape session in the underground labs at the Presidio, and then Senator Byrd proceeded to sodomize her daughter, as well as Lt. Michael Aquino.


Here is the entire book on audio: