Ok. WTF …. snowflake BAKERS
Bring back the last Q posts!
@@@ Attention SNOWFLAKE Bakers @@@
Bring back the last Q posts!!!
Why are u changing the rules midway thru the game?
@@@ Attention SNOWFLAKE Bakers @@@
Bring back the last Q posts!!!
Why are u changing the rules midway thru the game?
@@@ Attention SNOWFLAKE Bakers @@@
Bring back the last Q posts to the top of each bread!!
Why are u changing the rules midway thru the game?
@@@ Attention SNOWFLAKE Bakers @@@
Ok. Thank you for communication effectively the rational.
I rescind my psycho political posts to the bakers.
Moving forward, one team, undivided.
Thank you, Esteemed Patriot.