So that's completely wrong. The chinese story of the scorpion and the frog. The scorpion asks the frog to give him a lift across the pond. The frog tells the scorpion "No, you'll sting me and I will die". The scorpion explains that if he stings the frog, the frog will die and then he will drown. It would be suicide. The frog finally agrees and allows the scorpion on his back, halfway across the pond the scorpion stings the frog. The frog cries out "What have you done, you have killed us both." The scorpion responds "Its my nature, you knew I was a scorpion."
Anthony Sc
Anthony Scaramucci's Twitter account, he tweets
"The end is coming and it will end abruptly . . ."
That was 5 hours ago. Other famous resisters seem to echo that on his post. Anyone know what's up?
He was teaching in the temple at age 12. You need to read a lot more.
Hillary has one too..
I think Trump should take the gloves off and take out some of them to send a message.
She doesn't have much longer to live anyway. Her disease is fatal and she is nearing the end stages. Her brain is literally dying off piece by piece.
Lock them up? Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Eliminate some of the evil people that need to be eliminated for the sake of justice.