01/12/2020 Pickering nuclear 'incident' triggering mass emergency alert in Canada was sent in error
07/19/2017 Ontario Municipal Board OK's plans for Durham Live in Pickering
An emergency alert set up via a power plant - back in 2017 about a "Durham" going "Live"
This is symbolism comms. They knew back in 2017 that Trump would use John Durham mid-2017 (he started late 2017) thus they set up a way to mass alert people in case he ever pulled the trigger on it. Q noted that Durham started in THE SAME DAY AS Q STARTED POSTING so yea, they were right to be worried about this man.
Some headlines regarding Durham
10/24/2019 Durham Investigation Is Criminal: a Disaster for the The New York Times, The Washington Post, BuzzFeed, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and so many more.
"Subpoenas and grand juries are coming — real ones,"
01/02/2020 "Their Day Is Coming, I Promise You": Durham Probe To Contain "Very Problematic Findings", Meadows Warns
12/19/2019 John Durham Looking into Ex-CIA Director Brennan’s Role in Russia Hoax
ASKED THE CIA to produce “emails, call logs and other documents” from Brennan