My intention is for Q to post…never worry about his drops but for some reason … really hoping for somethin…this fine eve….
Fuck you with this slide, we will find out soon enough. Stop shitting up breads…you imbecile
Sick of seeing this shit every fucking bread..there has to be a way to get rid of them, find out where these posts are coming from…
Really sick of seeing it every fucking bread night after night…..
ANd fuck you too asshole….leave Jim the fuck alone…
SLIDE over and over and over…go figure it out on his fucking twitter you asshole….go to Codemonkeyz on twatter and ask him…come back when you have something…
I do, breadshitters need to go….would like to see anon posts not the same fucking shit over and over…had a couple so maybe inhibitions are down…
From your meme to Q/God's ears….
fuck off breadshitter.
I know you are right anon, but had a bottle of wine all to meself tonight…back to lurking for now…
tired of the breadshitters and slides…
thank you love bruce lee….
I apologize to anons, I did not mean to have a tantrum…I will just be a lurker as usual….unless something to contribute..
Still really no tolerance for breadshitters and slides…
You are all the best..thank you for teaching me how to research to think for myself…this is an amazing place….
I believe we are experiencing something monumental……
Thank you anon, been here since Jan 2018 mostly a lurker a couple of notables but I use what you all find to educate myself and those close to me…I am the odd duck (the way I think). I have this map, but is this the most recent?
Well for what its worth I wish we could hear truth, speak truth and live truth 24/7 with a dash of love, empathy, understanding and compassion. But I am usually the eternal optimist…not always a good thing in this world for those like me.