bzgalt ID: 1f2f12 March 27, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.810370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0373

Q Wars




American Intelligence Media


Published on Mar 27, 2018


Sorry, guys. The current Q is a psyop. Of course, if you like to play non-sensical games that lead you nowhere, then grab the latest mumblings from Q and continue your information spin so that you never arrive at the truth of the unconstitutional Senior Executive Services that is taking over America while you remain fast asleep with subliminal programming in the alt right media limited hangouts. Here is a nice video explaining






Awake people can read this:




JANUARY 3, 20189:56 PM






Did you know that Robert Mueller is SES?: Mueller is SES. Need We Say More? Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time.


Lionel this morning did a great job covering this Q war. Corsi X Thomas Paine, former NSA, in direct contact with the original Q.




Current Q: “No communications past, present, future outside this board” = FAKE Q STATEMENT! You cannot use the fake Q statement to prove Q you idiots!


The various versions of Q are explained in this video. Who is the Q collective, the original Q? We have Q1, Q2, Qxyz & current fake Q.


Original Q anons used some 20 different Ips. Then the registered Q has used multiple different trip codes. It has changed various times. Original Q was taken-over last October or November, exactly the time Q received a trip-code. Prior to this, Q was an anon without a trip-code. Thus, it appears that all trip-code versions of Q are fake, since the first registered Q began in November. Then there was the dark period between Christmas and the first few days of January.


What legit content has Q given you? Has he covered SES? Has he covered the state of our union, how the U.S. has been under martial law and military rule since the U.S. Civil War, which never ended? Has Alex Jones covered this? Ask them about SES and see how the dis-info will go to 100%. Have you heard many alt media channels and individuals cover any of this? Has Corsi covered any of this? Jas0n Goodman interviewed him the other day, Corsi spoke of SES for only a minute, did not mention any of the tools available to search the database of SES MEMBERS. Corsi relies on Code Monkey and says that Q drops are not top secret? Use your judgement! Is this true?


Why was Paul Manafort persecuted? Reasons explained in the video.


Continued next post…

bzgalt ID: 1f2f12 March 27, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.810373   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Continued from previous post…


The Corsi echo chamber Hall of Mirrors exposed.






Corsi participating on a counter-intelligence sting against the President. That is illegal. Q is the leak. The original Q did not have Q clearance. Current Q claims to be MIL Intel & have Q-clearance, fake, illegal. Maybe Corsi is part of the psy-op! Corsi does not debate SES, just gave a two minute review, saying they have to go to Alaska, because they do no work there. That is all. Corsi has not been brought before the Q collective for review yet. Corsi does not truly deal with the SES, nor expose them for who and what they are – the corporate elite who are obstructionists and who are trying to take-out Trump. Corsi, why are you interpreting a national security crime, a felony, people posting pictures claiming to be connected to Trump? They have failed the predictive programming test! Why is Cors participating on a counter-intelligence sting against the President ? Why has Corsi not covered how Jeff Sessions can only find one lawyer among thousands in the DOJ, to supposedly investigate leaks and is preventing Congress from being in control of the Hillary investigations and so on? Why do none of these people see that Jeff Sessions is preventing Congress from being in control and preventing them from knowing what is going on? Jeff Sessions and Wray are SES! The fake Q says to trust them? Do you even know or understand the true nature of SES? Shaw at SGT and Corsi are attempting to interpret the current fake Q. (They will be having a conversation soon). Plants were placed years ago to keep us in these limited hang-outs.




Craig Murray didn´t die. Story on the DNC leak covered in this video. The first breach was not Seth Rich. Craig Murray is still alive.


► American Intelligence Media has put-out amazing intelligence reports.


You are spending thousands of hours trying to decode Q. Why don´t you spend that time to help us take-down the deep state?


The dumps this fake Q is putting out is illegal. Trying to connect his pictures to Trump and his Twitter account is illegal! Claiming he is part of the Trump team is illegal! Posting lies about Trump is illegal!


continued next post….

bzgalt ID: 1f2f12 March 27, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.810382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5989

continued from previous post…


► Q version #2 and Q version #3 - A National Security crime – a felony, mis-representing the Trump administration.


The leader of the original Q is one of the greatest linguists. The original Q collective is from the NSA, to stop World Wide War and the NWO take-over.


► Thomas Paine now knows who Q is but cannot and will not reveal who he is! Thomas is the only one exposed among his team of 700 to this and is willing to debate this fake Q.


'''Current Q answer the Question – Who is SES? YOU ARE SES!!

You are not SES!'''


THOMAS PAINE FORMER NSA - explains predictive linguistic analysis programs and the versions of Q.


Thomas Paine is former NSA , he created some of these predictive linguistic analysis programs. This linguistic program Intel produces the ranting of current Q. Q version two did not even use this predictive linguistic analysis. Those that do not use this language are bots. Is SES the deep state Q? If Q refuses to answer, will prove who he is. Most likely, he will just copy and paste an answer.




Predictive programming analysis produces the current ranting of the current Q.


Q2 was not run through the NSA vault 7 predictive analysis to sound like the legit Q. In other words, predictions of Q2 are coming from machine language bots.


● The White Rabbit is red-pilling you.


Red-pill, blue pill – your conscience is awakening, you see evil and you feel wrath.


US Digital Service, bunker of Valley Jarrett – shills which lead directly to the fake Q.


How psyops work – they first give you truth – real stuff and test you to the limit to test the truth – distinguish if those people are telling the truth or not. Stop listening to the opinions of others. Images and Memes – are for predictive programming, popularity contests such as MSM bankers MSM controlling you. Q is an example of what takes place in the alt media – they either shut you down or take you over. This is what has happened with Q. People are being paid as shills to look as alt right and to promote this fake Q. If you can go beyond that, you are one of the most brilliant, an exception, one who can see what others cannot see. The masses will always follow the status quo, and become blind, unable to discern, once red-pilled with lies, believing it is true. 98% truth is mixed-in with 2% lies ( THE DEADLY POISON ), which few if any detect. The psy-op is appearing to be the alt right. They are the same people that took-over the Obama White House. Vallery Jerret´s Bunker is where they radiate out from. Alex Jones and others – 75% truth, 25% is not. Anyone who does not address SES is fake, black-hat alternative media.


► Thomas Paine had a 3 hour conversation and spent days vetting it with 700 of the brightest, most intelligent people on the planet!


► How many predictions of Q have come true? Do a mathematical statistical analysis! If they just throw-out names – is predictive analysis – hear words and throw them out – anyone can do this. Why does John Kerry not come-out in the dossie? He was directing it from the State Department!!


People unsubscribing from Thomas Paine and Betsy? Please do. They are not talking with you and with those of you who cannot grasp this and who are asleep just parroting the alt right and have no discernment anymore. People jumping-off will be back. But they do not care, if you are into fake alt news, you will be deceived.


George Webb and AIM.


We are involved in the Information war. George Webb now agrees about the SES being the enemy and agrees now that the SES 500 need to be disbanded.


HOW TO COLLAPSE AND TAKE-DOWN SES and the root of The Shadow Government.


► How to collapse the SES – give them all one dollar via the Holman Clause. This will collapse them.


George Webb is missing the full story and full picture on the AWAN brothers. It is MUCH BIGGER THEN PAKISTAN.


George Webb has been invited to call Thomas Paine of American Intel Media.


Corsi has no back-up for his Q remarks. His dependence on Code Monkey is unfounded. For all we know, Code Monkey may be compromised – may be a CIA shill. And if he is not, how do you know he or it can be trusted?


Take 3 days, study SES, study these new revelations on Q. You will be shown and proven that Thomas and Betsy are dumbing more then Q has in it´s entire time!