Anonymous ID: 4358f3 Jan. 13, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.7802037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2043 >>2332 >>2349 >>2446 >>2677 >>2749



Judge finds Wisconsin elections commissioners in contempt of court, orders them to quickly remove people from the rolls




PORT WASHINGTON - An Ozaukee County judge found the state Elections Commission and three of its members in contempt of court Monday, saying they had flouted his December order to remove thousands of people from Wisconsin's voter rolls.


"I can’t be any clearer than this," Judge Paul Malloy said. "They need to follow my order."


He said he would fine the commission $50 a day and the commissioners $250 a day each until they take people off the rolls.


Attorneys for the state Elections Commission argued no one should be fined because they have appealed the decision and are awaiting rulings from higher courts. Those who brought the lawsuit over the voter rolls contended the decision was clear and the commission and its members should be fined until they purge the voter rolls.


At issue is the voting status of more than 200,000 people in one of the most politically prized states in the 2020 presidential election. Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 by fewer than 23,000 votes, becoming the first Republican to take the state's electoral votes since 1984.

Anonymous ID: 4358f3 Jan. 13, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.7802244   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"This Should Be Disqualifying For Biden": More Damning Footage Resurfaces



Yet another video of Democratic primary front runner Joe Biden passionately defending the 2003 Iraq invasion and occupation has resurfaced and is going viral. In it he even sings George W. Bush's praises at a moment which came a mere few months after the now infamous "Mission Accomplished" stunt aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.


This comes in a campaign where he's lied repeatedly about his leading role in pushing the war authorization through the Senate five months before the March 2003 invasion, seeking to distance himself and methodically conceal the facts now that public opinion has long shifted. It also has resurfaced at a moment John Kerry is currently making the rounds on major networks defending Biden against Bernie Sanders’ criticism of Biden's clear pro-war record.


At a crucial moment Biden's speech, delivered at the Hawkish DC Brookings Institution in July 2003 actually slammed anti-war Democrats and simultaneously upheld Bush and his disastrous war as "bold and popular" and promised further support to the neocon administration.