Anonymous ID: 45108f Jan. 13, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.7802075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2167


Julian #Assange attends hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court in #London

Anonymous ID: 45108f Jan. 13, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.7802188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2197 >>2231


oh man



My thoughts are with the people of Oman as they mourn the passing of Sultan Qaboos. He led his country with wisdom and provided safe harbor for diplomacy. I’ll always be grateful for all he did to help secure the release from Iran of three American hikers in 2011.

Anonymous ID: 45108f Jan. 13, 2020, 11 a.m. No.7802266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2349 >>2446 >>2677 >>2749



Bomb in Van of NJ Shooting Attack Suspects Could’ve Killed People 5 Football Fields Away: Officials


The U.S. attorney in New Jersey and the head of the local FBI said Monday that the bomb found in the van of alleged domestic terrorists Francine Graham and David Anderson could have killed or maimed people up to five football fields away.


They also said there was enough material in the van to make a second bomb.


Four innocent people, including a veteran Jersey City police detective and father of five, died in the hail of prolonged gunfire. Most of the victims were found inside the JC Koshoper Supermarket on Martin Luther King Boulevard during what officials have described as a hate-fueled terror spree on Dec. 10.


The officer who died, Det. Joseph Seals, was killed at a cemetery, where authorities said he had gone to meet with a man to talk about the return of a vehicle impounded by police. Details will never be definitive, authoritis said, but investigators believe Seals approached the suspects' van because cops were looking for it in connection with the murder of a livery driver the prior weekend. Cops are still looking into a possible connection between the driver's death and the terror that was unleashed in Jersey City on Dec. 10.


Seals' death first brought law enforcement near the scene of what would become a horrific bloodbath, leaving schools with bullet-riddled windows and the neighborhood locked down.


U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito said of Seals, "We believe he threw off a broader plan," and that his actions "probably saved dozens if not more lives."

Anonymous ID: 45108f Jan. 13, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.7802357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2559


21 members of the Saudi military who were training in the US

social media jihadi content

no affiliation or involvement activity or group

15 had some contact with child porn

1 significant number

rest 1 or 2 posted in chat

Anonymous ID: 45108f Jan. 13, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.7802378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2384


2 iPhones

1 day FBI sought and received court auth to search both

to run down all leads, communicate with who

during gunfight with responders

disengaged long enough to place floor and shoot device

other phone damaged

expecrts fixed both

operational, however both virtually imposs to unlock without pasword

Anonymous ID: 45108f Jan. 13, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.7802656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2666 >>2674 >>2731 >>2749


Young Liberal at the centre of 'drag queens are not for kids' viral video is found dead in a suspected suicide - as the library performer sends a heartfelt message to his family


Mr Gavin was one of about 15 to 20 students who protested at the Drag Storytime event held at the Brisbane Square Library on Sunday afternoon.


Drag queens read stories to children and their parents to teach kids about the fluidity of gender identity and provide them with queer role models.


Footage of the protest shows the demonstrators chanting loudly while one of two performers Diamond Good-Rim tries to get them to stop.