Anonymous ID: bf6fff Jan. 13, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.7802821   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Some anon was saying the other day that America doesn't feature in scripture.


Wrong: in the Grail Christianity script, the USA figures very large.


The great prophet of Grail Christianity in our time was Rudolf Steiner. Do not get put off by any superficial assessments, based on Waldorf schools etc. The official Steiner movement has been deeply infiltrated by Jesuits:

… and there are plenty of cranks and posers in the Waldorf movement.


The following Big Picture of world history you will only find from Steiner. Understand that for millions of people, including many Germans, Rudolf Steiner is up there with St John of the Apocalypse as a Christian visionary. They regard him as an essentially infallible guide, within his own warnings about the extent of what could be revealed in our time.


Steiner says there are two distinct faces to evil: Lucifer and Satan. Lucifer doesn't deny the spiritual world, but tempts us to set ourselves up as gods within it. Satan (or Ahriman, as Steiner names this aspect, using the Persian term) wants us to see the physical world as the only reality. The modern atheist scientists are pure agents of Ahriman.


Lucifer incarnated in China in the third millennium BC; Christ incarnated in the middle of this arc; and in the third millennium AD, Ahriman will incarnate in the flesh in the West, according to Steiner. Specifically, Ahriman would be born in the USA in the second half of the 20th century, and manifest on the world stage in the third decade of the 21st century.


There is no doubt that 5G and the Internet of Things – the global surveillance super-state – is the chosen and intended platform for Ahriman. There is no doubt that he is in incarnation, and fast approaching the moment he will appear on the world stage. This is the original "father of lies", Ahriman is pure lies, according to Steiner.


Steiner carved a head of Ahriman, trying to portray the cold intellect he will bring to the world. This is the Prince of the Principality of All Material Reality. Ahrimanic forces are necessary to give shape and form to the physical world; but they want to worm their way into our lives via machines, via artificial intelligence.


Take a look at the head of Ahriman. The one person I think of, when I see it, is Bob Dylan in a bad mood. Look at the downturn of Dylan's chin, and Ahriman's mouth.


I'm not saying Dylan is the Antichrist, although he did say he sold his soul to the devil. I'm just saying, there's a definite facial type we should be on the lookout for, coming out of America, the home of 5G.


Steiner is genuinely not easy, but the scope and scale of his vision is beyond anything you can imagine. And he saw America as bringing the culmination of world history as we know it. Ahriman is hard by the door; but he is in the open now. If you want to fight those principalities and powers of darkness, fight 5G with everything you've got. Take a look at the face behind it, and you'll see everything you need to know.