Anonymous ID: eb9661 Jan. 13, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.7802103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2164 >>2260 >>2471 >>2602

YAY MORE FOREIGNERS ARE COMING TO WORK AND GET UNDESERVED CITIZENSHIP IN THE NATION THAT MY ANCESTORS FOUGHT AND DIED TO BUILD. How is this the plan? I can't compete when I have to pay massive money for an "education" while they get a free ride from their government to compete with me at my school!


I have to work full time and go to school full time. The brown female professors look at me like I am trash because I am a clean cut non-drugged up white guy who is married and has a kid. Meanwhile the black and brown students always seem to do just fine even though they never show to class or put forth effort. I guess they are just so smart.


I guess this is what we are fighting for here? Not one time has President Trump said that he is fighting for opressed white males and their families who built this nation… nope, never us. NEVER. Let me guess, I simply dont have anyone else to vote for right? no need to pander to the likes of me! Well, worry not… I can't vote at all because I am not willing to register to vote illegally and am technically a homeless vet living in a trailer illegally parked on my land. without a legal homesite I can't vote since I live in a vote by mail state. THE H1B FOREIGNER WILL DO IT FOR ME since they have a legal address paid for by my taxes inUS funds sent through USAID to their nation.


Quick… call me a shill…


Call me a concern fag…


I have been here since Q hit 8ch CBTS.

Anonymous ID: eb9661 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.7802306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2460


>If you are in tech,

Oh, thats right… In TECH. I need to learn to code. Silly me! ok, Off to college to get a masters degree in computer programming while working for $20 an hour part time as a mechanic and trying to support a wife and son… off of that… so I can be in TECH after I learn to code. I guess I am not the best and the brightest and should just step aside for someone else… here in my nation… where I was born… and served in the military… nevermind you are right! im happy now.

Anonymous ID: eb9661 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.7802321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2354


Learn to code… got it… roger that. Good thing college is affordable! I wonder if there are any white male scolarships available? no? Well then I should learn to code to pay for it then… oh wait…

Anonymous ID: eb9661 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.7802414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2465


Stupid me… I joined the military and got a back injury as a reward. Of course I should have worked for a bay area tech company from the midwest with a highschool education! Instead here I am as a part time field mechanic with my teeth falling out waiting to get replaced by a mexican any minute now since I live on the west coast. I guess fixing equipment in the pouring rain at 35 degrees is not hard work. Having to fucking BEG a pothead quarry manager to pay me so I can buy food is just me being lazy even though I deliver $100 an hour work to him under the table for $20.


