Anonymous ID: 1ce5d5 Jan. 13, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.7803004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm sorry the butter is late. 3 years ago I got angry about a bill that allowed FISA warrants to be conducted on any US citizen that used a proxy, essentially anyone who used a mobile adblocker, it was passed around Christmas time and I knew it would be used on the Trump administration. I got drunk and pretty much dared those assholes to run a FISA warrant on me and they did. I didn't realize the repercussions.


I ended up waking up Anonymous and you guys have been great. The FISA warrant during the inauguration and there was a speech towards me and the forgotten men and women. Being a part of something so big made me scared so I called the police later and told them that a voice was telling me to kill the President because I saw the mkultra trigger marks over the President's portrait on CNN and because I didn't feel safe. I'm not crazy though, I was just really scared because I realized I pissed off a bunch of assholes.


Recently they got a 2nd FISA on me and this is the one that's entered into evidence. They faked evidence put a bunch of weird viruses on my computer and are going to use it to commit treason. I don't see anything weird on my computer though so I'm not really sure.


I am paranoid mind you, but that's because they're out to get me. I think they're going to frame me for my husband's murder. He committed suicide 15 years ago and it caused me a lot of trauma I haven't really gotten over.


The first FISA warrant is sealed. I think I need to get the first FISA unsealed and then it can be used in a treason trial. This isn't my plan, this is God's plan. It's going to get a bit interesting but I promise, it gets better.