Anonymous ID: 22e2e6 Jan. 13, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.7803507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3536 >>3549 >>3558


Anyone who was part of the London glitterati scene in the late sixties/early seventies knew immediately the lyrics referred to Lady Somerset Belenoff, aka The Witch of Glamis Castle. Marianne Faithful said Lady Belenoff was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen but that she possessed a most terrifying beauty. In her book, Taller than our Souls, Margaret Eton describes Belenoff and Page as occult rivals though they also respected one another. She also wasn't a fan of Aleister Crowley and once referred to his occult circle as "the Order of the Golden Shower." Elizabeth Somerset Feodorovna Bowes-Lyon Belenoff is a great great great granddaughter of Queen Victoria through Victoria's granddaughter, Princess Elizabeth of Hesse, Grand Duchess of Russia. Historians believe the Grand Duchess had an affair with Rasputin and as part of the Tzar's inner circle, Elizabeth almost certainly played a role in the plot to have the mad monk murdered. Belenoff herself has hinted that she is indeed the great granddaughter of Rasputin. She had an on again off again relationship with Marc Bolan of T Rex who wrote the song Children of the Revolution about Lady Somerset as she heads an organization of that name, which is a sort of club for descendents of aristocrats destroyed by the Bolsheviks (her great grandmother was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918). today she owns half of Suriname, runs the website for Bohemian Grove and is very close to Queen Elizabeth.