Anonymous ID: 3166ab Jan. 13, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.7803017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3085 >>3136 >>3174 >>3220 >>3372 >>3524

How George Soros Corrupted Philadelphia's Justice System


Philadelphia is one of the least safe big cities in the US. How did it get that way?


Social Justice Warriors


Thanks to George Soros, Larry Krasner was elected District Attorney in Philadelphia.


Krasner is Self-Proclaimed Social Justice Warrior. Consider the case of Michael White, a 22-year-old black college student who admitted killing Sean Schellenger, white. Numerous witnesses and a cellphone video confirmed what happened.


Krasner initially charged White with first-degree murder and denied his request for bail. But under pressure from leaders in Philadelphia’s African-American community, Mr. Krasner downgraded the charge to third-degree murder. Then, days before the trial, Mr. Krasner dropped the murder charge entirely.


White was then acquitted. How's that for justice?


Please consider Philadelphia’s Top Prosecutor Pursues ‘Social,’ Not Actual, Justice


Mr. Krasner is one of a new crop of “progressive prosecutors” who have won election in liberal cities. They include San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin, who was raised by Weather Underground radicals Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn because his own parents were in prison for participating in the murder of police officers. Mr. Krasner was a virulent critic of law enforcement before running to become the city’s top prosecutor. During a 30-year career as a defense lawyer, Mr. Krasner gained notoriety for filing 75 lawsuits against Philadelphia police. In a 2017 campaign video he said “policing and prosecution are both systematically racist,” and he called poverty and crime consequences of “mass incarceration.”


Mr. Krasner’s candidacy was laughed off until George Soros dumped $1.7 million into the campaign. At his primary election night victory party, Mr. Krasner smiled while his supporters chanted, “No good cops in a racist system!” and “f— the FOP!” (the Fraternal Order of Police)


​Mockery of Justice


Attorney William McSwain has convincingly argued that Mr. Krasner has created a dangerous “culture of disrespect for law enforcement.”


Radical prosecutors like Mr. Krasner make a mockery of justice. There’s nothing progressive about public servants who shirk their duties, and nothing just about allowing violent criminals to roam free.


Violent Crime in Philadelphia​


As you might expect, Violent Crime in Philadelphia is high and on the rise.


Philadelphia consistently ranks above the national average in terms of crime, especially violent offenses. It has the highest violent crime rate of the ten American cities with a population greater than 1 million residents as well as the highest poverty rate among these cities. It has been included in real estate analytics company Neighborhood Scout's "Top 100 Most Dangerous Cities in America" list every year since it has been compiled. Much of the crime is concentrated in the North, West, and Southwest sections of the city.


Violent Crimes and Murders


The above Wikipedia snip on Philadelphia triggered further inquiries.


Let's investigate violent crimes and murder rates.



Anonymous ID: 3166ab Jan. 13, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.7803034   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Signatures From AG, FBI Director Needed on FISA Probe of Presidential Campaign Under New Proposal


e proposal to reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court would require the signatures of both the attorney general and FBI director to launch a counterintelligence operation into a presidential campaign, Attorney General William Barr said.


The FBI during the Obama administration applied to spy on Trump 2016 presidential campaign associate Carter Page using information from a dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele, who was paid by the Democratic National Committee and the campaign of rival candidate Hillary Clinton.


Barr was asked on Monday about a recent apology from FBI Director Christopher Wray over how the FBI handled the Page situation and what changes he wants to see to the secretive court.


“We’re considering a number of additional things,” Barr told reporters at an unrelated press conference in Washington. “Chris Wray and I have discussed a number of possibilities.”

fisa court




More bullshit to delay justice

Anonymous ID: 3166ab Jan. 13, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.7803061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attorney General William P. Barr Announces the Findings of the Criminal Investigation into the December 2019 Shooting at Pensacola Naval Air Station

Anonymous ID: 3166ab Jan. 13, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.7803363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3374 >>3388 >>3395 >>3426 >>3524

Mueller probe witness pleads guilty on child sex charges


A key witness in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation will serve at least 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to charges of child sex trafficking and possessing child pornography.


Lebanese-American businessman George Nader, 60, entered a plea deal Monday in federal court in Alexandria.


Nader admitted transporting a 14-year-old boy from the Czech Republic to Washington, D.C., in 2000 to engage in sexual activity with him. He also admitted possessing child pornography depicting infants or toddlers.


Nader's name shows up more than 100 times in Mueller's report. It details Nader's efforts to serve as liaison between a Russian banker with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and members of President Donald Trump's transition team.




A key witness in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is expected to plead guilty to charges of child sex trafficking and possessing child pornography.


A criminal information was filed Thursday in federal count in Alexandria against George Nader , a Lebanese-American businessman who worked to advance Saudi Arabia’s agenda to the Trump administration. An information is generally an indication of a looming guilty plea.


A hearing in the case is scheduled for Monday afternoon.


Nader was charged in June with possessing and transporting images of child pornography and bestiality on his cellphone. In July, prosecutors added an allegation that Nader transported a 14-year-old boy from Europe to Washington, D.C., in 2000 and engaged in sex acts with him.


A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Alexandria declined comment. Nader's lawyers did not immediately return a phone call and emails seeking comment Thursday afternoon.


Nader's name shows up more than 100 times in Mueller's report. It details Nader's efforts to serve as liaison between a Russian banker close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and members of President Donald Trump's transition team.


Nader also served as an adviser to the United Arab Emirates, a close Saudi ally, and in 2017 wired $2.5 million to a top Trump fundraiser, Elliott Broidy, through a company in Canada, The Associated Press reported in 2018. The goal was to persuade the U.S. to take a hard line against Qatar, a longtime American ally but now an adversary of the UAE.


Nader was previously convicted in the Czech Republic of 10 cases of sexually abusing minors and sentenced to a one-year prison term in 2003.


Nader also pleaded guilty to a charge of transporting child-pornography images in Virginia in 1991.


The current investigation of Nader began in 2018 when images depicting child pornography and bestiality were found on his phone after it was confiscated under a search warrant connected to the Mueller probe.

Anonymous ID: 3166ab Jan. 13, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.7803379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3524

Virginia Democrats Advance Gun Control Bills Despite Resistance


RICHMOND, Va. (CN) – Even with guns rights activists lined up by the hundreds outside a state Senate committee door, Virginia Democrats voted Monday to advance a number of controversial firearm restrictions.


The meeting of the recently renamed Senate Judiciary Committee was packed to the brim with folks on both sides of the gun control debate. Bills that will require universal background checks for all gun sales, create a red flag law, reinstate a one-handgun-a-month purchase limit and grant authority to localities to limit guns in city buildings and at permitted events all passed along party lines.


A main concern for Second Amendment supporters in the 2020 legislative session is an assault weapons ban bill from Senator Dick Saslaw, D–Springfield. While his bill wasn’t on Monday’s docket, the panel moved to kill it for the session in the face of strong resistance. This caused some consternation from senators on the right, who considered the strike a violation of Senate rules.


“We’re walking away from tradition here,” said Senator Mark Obenshain, R–Harrisonburg, who argued pulling the bill without having it on the docket would rob constituents of the chance to speak to it.


But the majority-Democrat committee appeared unbothered. Advocates instead say that any bill that would limit gun access breaks from tradition in Virginia’s governing body.


While the building was packed with gun rights advocates, the issue of control in Virginia was front and center during the 2019 election cycle following the murder of 12 people at a Virginia Beach municipal building earlier that year. While that wound was fresh for many in the room, the state was among the first to see the national wave of mass shootings when 32 people were killed and 17 others were injured by student Seung-Hui Cho at Virginia Tech in 2007.


Among those who fell victim to Cho’s gunfire was Colin Goddard, who was shot four times during the incident. Goddard’s father Andy became an advocate for gun laws shortly thereafter, becoming the legislative director for the Virginia Center for Public Safety. After over a decade of calling for new laws, Monday was the first time he saw his work come to fruition.


“The tradition, Mr. Obenshain, is the person in command gets to make the rules and you’re no longer in charge,” Goddard said in reference to the Republican lawmaker after the meeting. “New traditions start today.”


Goddard wasn’t totally pleased with Monday’s votes. He believes some amendments that were passed created watered down laws to appease gun supporters.


The National Rifle Association, which is headquartered in northern Virginia, was unsurprisingly critical of the votes.


“Regrettably, Virginia lawmakers approved a series of measures today that will make it harder for law-abiding Virginians to protect themselves, while doing nothing to stop criminals,” NRA spokesperson Catherine Mortensen said in a statement following the committee meeting.


Still, it was Virginia voters who helped create the new Democratic majority that is friendly to gun control.

Anonymous ID: 3166ab Jan. 13, 2020, 1:34 p.m. No.7803407   🗄️.is 🔗kun




CHABAD Rabbi says Trump has 4 tasks, that "are his Job"


Start at 14:45


  1. Assist the Jewish people to get Israel back, Jerusalem, Golan, Jordan Valley…..


  1. Protect the Jewish people from Anti-Semites,


  1. Raise America back to Morale law, NOAHIDE LAWS.


  1. Make Israel Great Again, not America.

Anonymous ID: 3166ab Jan. 13, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.7803423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3468 >>3477

Alphabet’s Legal Chief Retires Under Cloud of Abuse Allegations


Alphabet, the parent company of tech giant Google, has lost its Chief Legal Officer David Drummond, who is reportedly retiring from the company according to a recent filing. Drummond allegedly fathered a child with a subordinate and subsequently emotionally abused her, according to a blog post by the woman published in 2019.


CNBC reports that the chief legal officer of Google’s parent company Alphabet is allegedly retiring from his position at the firm according to a filing. Drummond is one of Google’s highest-paid executives, his departure comes amidst another round of sexual misconduct scandals at Google. A number of executives have been accused of sexual misconduct at the firm in recent years, resulting in a global employee walkout in 2018.


The employee walkout resulted in the amendment of some of Google’s policies relating to sexual misconduct, but Drummond and other executives still faced allegations of misconduct at the company. Drummond is reportedly departing the company on January 31, 2020, according to CNBC. A note from Drummond reads:


With Larry and Sergey now leaving their executive roles at Alphabet, the company is entering an exciting new phase, and I believe that it’s also the right time for me to make way for the next generation of leaders. As a result, after careful consideration, I have decided to retire at the end of this month.


A former senior contracts manager at Google, Jennifer Blakely, published a blog post about her relationship with Drummond last year in which she alleged that Drummond broke company rules by having multiple affairs with other employees. She also alleged that he neglected her and their son often disappearing for long periods of time. Days after the blog post, Drummond married another Google employee, 37-year-old Corinne Dixon.


While Alphabet states that it will not be paying Drummond an exit package, the legal officer was paid $47 million by the company last year and has sold shares worth more than $220 million in the last year as well.