Anonymous ID: 53268a Jan. 13, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.7803095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3123



was reported ded twice by abc


Two Mainstream News Reports Claim Hillary Clinton DIED, Promptly Scrubbed from Internet

September 14, 2016 renegade 5 Comments

Renegade Editor’s Note: The “Hillary” trotted out from Chelsea’s apartment after fainting a few hours before is obviously not the same person. The double was much shorter and thinner than Hillary and was not protected by Secret Service. Maybe it was Theresa Barnwell?


Theresa Barnwell and Hillary Clinton

Theresa Barnwell and Hillary Clinton

by The Daily Sheeple

Are they just trying to get people used to the idea that Hillary Clinton isn’t going to be around much longer?


Not one, but two different reports have come out of major media channels (both ABC News curiously, one national one local), that Hillary has died. They have since been taken down from the web.


In the first, a TV anchor at WABC opened his nightly broadcast with “More on Hillary Clinton’s death”. The official version has been taken down off of WABC’s site, but someone video taped their TV with a cell phone and put it up on YouTube.


The news anchor Joe Torre does not correct himself, but the station says Torres meant to say “health” as the report he goes on to deliver is all about the state of her health following her collapse at Ground Zero on 9/11…


That might just be written off as a Freudian slip if not for the fact that it isn’t the only instance of a major media outlet reporting that Hillary died, and the next one is much more detailed.




Pretty specific for it just being a “hoax” or an “accidental report,” yeah? Again, are they trying to gauge the public’s reaction?


Something is definitely going on, and a lot of people are asking, did Hillary actually die on 9/11 and what’s happening now is a psyop being perpetrated against the American people? Ground Zero would be a perfect location for it…


Because, either way, the original film of her fainting sure does look awfully staged.


couldnt embed 30 sec clip