Anonymous ID: b58c6d Jan. 13, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.7803012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3093

TY BAKER!!!!!!


>>7800207 (very \pb)


>British MI6 agents dead.






>What was reported?


>What really happened?


>Why is this relevant?


Did we ever dig into this part?


Diana was killed via a car hacking, same as Michael Hastings (RIP).


All observables point to this being the case - random crash going way too fast where you shouldn't be going that fast, wireless enabled car, electronic throttle control, and a vehicle maintaining close proximity for the duration of the attack.


I am of the opinion that the paparazzi were actually MI6 (or similar) agents and they had some sort of emitter in their car, potentially even in the camera they were using.


In order to hack the car they'd need to have a strong enough signal for the duration of the attack, but not so strong that someone in the vicinity could detect it - since this was in the days before ubiquitous wireless. I assert a vehicle travelling in close proximity to the target would work just fine. Paparazzi was a brilliant cover.


Add to all of this the fact that Diana herself had heard chatter that her car was going to be sabotaged to have her killed -

"Written two months after her 1996 divorce from Prince Charles, Diana claimed in the note that she believed there was a plan for “an accident in my car, brake failure and serious head injury”


and it seems pretty nail on the head. Would explain why she got into the car if she knew it was the attack vector - all 'known' vectors of attack were accounted for (car bomb, brake lines, etc. Remote car hacking was "still in the future" as far as she was aware)

Anonymous ID: b58c6d Jan. 13, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.7803093   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I am more than happy to answer any questions about this, so far nothing I've come across has refuted this conjecture.


I actually just found this so apparently it's not even a new idea! heh