some NEWT quotes from Fox and Friends this morning
"Royals 'story' is steeling [NP]'s thunder."
"[NP] lives in an alternative universe."
On defection of Iran Olympic medalist: "I hope the President will invite her to the WH."
"Over throwing the regime is not going to be easy."
"We should be very aggressively pro-Iranian (people)."
"People actually like to be free. … In the long run, the people who like to be free are going to win the competition."
"Despite all the biases in the media, Eventually the TRUTH does get through."
"The President has had an amazing ability to go toe-to-toe with the entire liberal media. And, Win the fight."
"[NP] is going to have double frustration on election day. President is going to win reelection and Kevin McCarty is going to be come Speaker of the House."
… "may cause her [NP] to move to Canada and live by Meghan and Harry."