Anonymous ID: 2dd2a2 Jan. 13, 2020, 3:01 p.m. No.7804104   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MLB admits today that the Astros cheated in order to win throughout 2017, including the WS. Already they admitted that this scandal was a threat to the very integrity of the game. Now they deal out ludicrously easy punishments. No players punished, when they all knew & benefited individually & collectively from the sign stealing. Only management gets a slap on the wrist. A bare MINIMUM punishment, which was not met or even alluded to, would be the forfeiture of all the Astro titles from 2017—division crown, NL pennant, WS crown. MLB, this is a crass failure, a pretend punishment that does nothing, while protecting most of the perps. As always, the money decides who wins on field and off. Massive gutlessness on display.