Anonymous ID: 8b5638 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.7803700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is the nexus between the Vatican Secretariat of State’s office being raided and a visit from the US Secretary of State? Pompeo came to the Vatican ostensibly for a conference on religious freedom, but came just a day after the raid. The Vatican’s raid was a result of internal audits directed by the Pope, which found irregularities between the Secretariat of State and the Vatican Bank. Yes, US politicians were using the Vatican Bank for money laundering, to hide their crimes behind what they considered an impenetrable shield, the Holy See itself.


There is a reason President Trump is pushing for Biden’s Ukraine deals to be investigated. Many similar payments made to members of Obama’s administration simply seemed to disappear after being handed off from one bank to another. One does not simply subpoena the Vatican Bank, but with the Pope pushing for audits, these transactions are no longer hidden. Thus the rage among House Democrats, Pelosi and Biden, as they realize their air of purity is about to become a stink.


Anonymous ID: 8b5638 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.7803741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Recent videos show Pope Francis reluctant to have the public hold his right hand to kiss his ring. Kissing the ring of the Pope is a long standing tradition of respect and homage, though both Francis and his predecessor tried to discourage this tradition. Was Pope Francis pulling his hand away from those wanting to kiss his ring a fear of spreading germs amid the masses, as claimed? If so, this concern did not emerge earlier when Pope Francis ceremonially kissed the feet of others and blessed the disfigured and afflicted, hugging and holding them.


Pope Francis fears assassination. Saint Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes has placed Pope Francis as the last Pope, but it is not clear if this Pope will live through the End Times. Given the weight most Catholics place upon tradition, the tradition of defacing a Pope’s ring at his death carries great weight. Of course, this is assumed to be destruction of a Pope’s ring after his death, but what if the ring is defaced or destroyed prior to his death? There are many in the Vatican - intent upon keeping the public ignorant of the Third Fatima secret - who are looking for an excuse.


Pope Francis had routinely been wearing a silver ring when out in public, keeping his papal ring secure. But fearing assassination, he has recently taken to wearing his papal ring at all times. When the public grabs his hand and refuses to let go, he fears having his papal ring removed, if only for a moment. He fears this would be a signal given to those wanting to assassinate him. Symbolically removed as Pope by such an incident, he would be vulnerable. Thus his face shows fear and anger when the public aggressively grabs at his right hand or holds onto him.

Anonymous ID: 8b5638 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:21 p.m. No.7803776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3784 >>3835 >>4222

Are the Australian fires raging across the entire country at the end of 2019 due to drought and heat? These factors contribute but the lift of the Indo-Australian Plate is also a factor. Just as the California fires are due in part to the subduction of the Pacific Plate pushing under California, Australia is dealing with plate movement consequences. As the Indo-Australian Plate is pushed under Tibet, it lifts at the New Zealand edge, creating a void under the plate that hot molten lava rushes to fill. This temporary river of lava is heating Australia and warmed ocean currents to the East of New Zealand.


The wild temperature swings and storms afflicting Europe and India are also due to Nibiru, a result of the Daily Earth Wobble. During the wobble the lean to the East and lean to the West occur when the Sun is high over the swath of the globe from Australia to Sweden. These leans bring both these regions temporarily closer to the Equatorial latitude, thus getting more sunlight. The violent swings create turmoil in the atmosphere, thus bringing cold air to India and a snow dump to Iceland. Such turbulence will increasingly be evident.