Anonymous ID: 9d324a Jan. 13, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.7804070   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>As I recall, there is good evidence that previous ice ages came about following the eruption of large super volcanoes.

Take this with a grain of salt.

The "Ice Age" had cosmic origins unlike anything we see today, or possibly will ever see again. Technically, most of the "evidence" attributed to an "Ice Age" is actually a flawed proposal about what caused the "phenomena" of "erratic boulders". Basically, uniformitarians needed a way to explain these ginormous rocks that were hurled all over the planet, that did NOT reference a catastrophe, so they made up a huge block of time, never bothered to fully explain how or why it happened, and proceeded to push their ideology on children, without teaching alternative theories, for decades. Thus, we now have an "Ice Age" (and Ice Age 2, the Movie)….


The "Super-volcanoes" were not like any standard understanding of volcanoes either. They were caused as massive amounts of charge were being redistributed across the surface of our planet, during these cataclysmic events, which is why the majority of these "super-volcanoes" have long been dormant, and have many anomalous features, that we have only managed to temporarily explain with disjointed hypotheses.