Anonymous ID: c8e22f Jan. 13, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.7804037   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4060

Listening to children in this way is especially useful, and even the wisest of us can learn a great deal from them.


These exercises teach us to listen selflessly to the words of others, completely excluding our own personality, opinions, and feelings. Once we are practiced in listening in this way without criticism, then gradually, even when the most contradictory views and illogical statements are aired before us, we begin to learn how to unite ourselves with the being of the other person and fully enter into it. We begin to hear through the words, into the other person’s soul. As we consistently practice this new habit, sound becomes the medium through which we can perceive soul and spirit.


This practice requires the strictest self-discipline, but it also leads to a lofty goal. For when the exercise is combined with those given above in connection with sounds in nature, then a new sense of hearing comes to life in the soul. The soul becomes capable of hearing “words” from the spiritual world that are not expressed in outer tones and cannot be heard by physical ears. Perception of the “inner word” awakens.

Anonymous ID: c8e22f Jan. 13, 2020, 2:55 p.m. No.7804060   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Only when we have learned to listen selflessly and to be inwardly receptive, without any personal opinion or feeling stirring in us, can the higher beings described by spiritual science speak to us. The beings of the spiritual world will remain silent as long as we still pit any personal feelings or opinions against what we hear from others.