Anonymous ID: e87899 Jan. 13, 2020, 1:58 p.m. No.7803594   🗄️.is đź”—kun

US, NATO Pressure on Turkey Ends Badly as the Country Seeks to Obtain S-500 from Russia


ANKARA – Turkey might turn to Russia even more in search of air defense technologies and weapons like S-500 if Western countries, specifically the US and France, continue to deny Ankara access to their technologies, Defense News online media outlet reported, citing anonymous Turkish officials.

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“Any Western reluctance to share technology for political reasons would lead us to look for alternative technologies in countries with which we do not have political problems. Most exclusively including Russia,” a Turkish official responsible for country’s defense procurements told the media.


The official, however, refused to comment on the progress of Ankara’s negotiations with Moscow on S-500s, only noting that “all is going well as planned”. His words were confirmed by a Turkish diplomat, who told Defense News that Ankara puts an emphasis on acquiring the emerging S-500 system’s technology.


“There is an understanding [in Ankara] to go as far as possible in earning Russian technology as long as our Western allies keep depriving us of similar technology,” the diplomat noted.


Previously Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that Moscow and Ankara had discussed the possibility of joint production of cutting-edge S-500 air defense systems. Turkey also seeks to co-produce S-400 air defense systems, which it recently bought from Russia.


The acquisition of the S-400 air defense weapon from Moscow caused a major rift between Turkey and western countries, mostly with the US, which demanded that Ankara ditch the deal. The White House argued that the Russian systems might reveal secrets pertaining to F-35 jets, ordered by Turkey from the US, to Moscow.


Additionally, Washington claimed that the system is incompatible with the NATO defense grid, although Greece’s S-300s were successfully integrated with it. Despite the White House’s pressure, Turkey has stuck to the deal with Moscow, calling the S-400s crucial for the country’s national defense.


Ankara refused to alter its decision even when Washington halted F-35 supplies to the country and threatened to implement economic sanctions against it. Erdogan repeatedly indicated that Washington had refused to sell its Patriot missiles when Ankara sought to buy them and hence the country was forced to seek alternatives.


Turkey also sought to buy SAMP/T missile defenses from Franco-Italian business Eurosam, but has recently faced obstacles as the French government tried to botch the deal following the start of the Turkish offensive in Syria in 2019.

Anonymous ID: e87899 Jan. 13, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.7803596   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Syria calls on Turkey to commit to its sovereignty and fully withdraw from the Syrian territories


The Syrian side to “a Syrian-Russian-Turkish tripartite meeting’” which was held in Moscow on Monday, called on the Turkish side to fully adhere to the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab republic, its independence and territorial integrity as well as the immediate and full withdrawal from the whole Syrian territory.


The Syrian side, represented by lieutenant General Ali Mamlouk, Head of the National Security Bureau, called on the Turkish side, represented by chief of Intelligence, to the need for Turkey’s commitment to Sochi agreement over Idleb dated September 17th, 2018, particularly in regards to evacuating the region from terrorists and heavy weaponry, in addition to opening Aleppo- Lattakia and Aleppo-Hama highway.


Mamlouk stressed that the Syrian state is determined to go ahead in its war against terrorism, liberate the whole region of Idleb and the return of the state’s authority to it in a way that guarantees security and stability to the Syrian citizens whom the terrorist organizations use as human shields in those regions.

Anonymous ID: e87899 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.7803761   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4086 >>4232

US removes China from currency manipulator list ahead of trade deal signing


US Treasury has removed China from its list of currency manipulator as Washington and Beijing are preparing to sing a large-scale trade deal.


The Treasury said in a statement that China agreed to publish relevant data on exchange rates and made an effort to refrain from "competitive devaluation" ahead of the agreement signing.

Anonymous ID: e87899 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:21 p.m. No.7803781   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3785 >>3807 >>3858 >>3946 >>3981

Why Are Volcanoes All Over The Globe Suddenly Shooting Giant Clouds Of Ash Miles Into The Air?


There certainly hasn’t been a lack of seismic activity so far in 2020. Just a few days ago, I wrote about the horrific earthquake swarm that Puerto Rico is currently experiencing. More than 1,000 earthquakes have rattled Puerto Rico so far, and as you will see below, it was just hit by another very large earthquake. But right now volcanic eruptions have taken center stage. In particular, a massive eruption in the Philippines is making headlines all over the world, but what most people don’t realize is that several other volcanoes have also blown their tops in spectacular fashion within the past week. Suddenly, volcanoes all over the globe are shooting giant clouds of ash miles into the air, and this is greatly puzzling many of the experts.


Let’s review what we have witnessed over the past 7 days.


Last Tuesday, one of the most important volcanoes in Alaska shot hot ash 25,000 feet into the air…


Shishaldin Volcano erupted at 5 a.m. Tuesday, the Alaska Volcano Observatory announced, and sent up an initial ash cloud to 19,000 feet. Clouds initially obscured the mountain, but satellite imagery confirmed the ash cloud, U.S. Geological Survey geophysicist Hans Schwaiger said.


Seismicity diminished for a few hours, but it then increased again. During the increase, the volcano spewed an ash cloud to 25,000 feet, the observatory announced. The later eruption increased the volume of ash.


There are 5280 feet in a mile, and so we are talking about an ash cloud nearly 5 miles high.


Then on Thursday, Mt. Popocatepetl in Mexico shot hot ash nearly 4 miles into the sky…


Mexico’s Popocatépetl volcano burst to life on Thursday in a spectacular gush of lava and clouds of ash that hurled incandescent rock about 20,000 feet into the sky.


The dramatic explosion of the active stratovolcano, a little over 40 miles southeast of Mexico City, was captured on video by Mexico’s National Center for Disaster Prevention, CENAPRED.

Anonymous ID: e87899 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.7803824   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Before we go further into the fallout, let us summarize exactly what happened. Basically, it was yet another attempt to start World War 3 by the Messianic Jewish crazies who, for simplicity’s sake, we will call the Zionists. This time they orchestrated an escalating series of events in a vain effort to get their long-awaited Armageddon by:


Murdering an American contractor in Iraq and blaming it on the Iranians.

Convincing or blackmailing Trump into a disproportionate response.

Getting their Iranian agents and brainwashed dupes to riot at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

Forcing Trump to commit a war crime by murdering Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

Remotely hijacking a Ukrainian airliner and flying it with transponders off towards an Iranian military base to fool the Iranians into shooting it down. (For those readers who do not yet realize this, in the late 1990’s the U.S. had remote hijacking equipment installed in all civilian airliners, supposedly as an anti-hijacking measure. This ability has been repeatedly abused for political purposes by the Khazarian mafia).


Now they are trying, and failing, to orchestrate regime change in Iran. Instead, though, this botched operation has succeeded in waking up a critical mass within the Western intelligence/military community to the fact the U.S. government has been hijacked by a fanatical cult that is trying to start WW3.

Anonymous ID: e87899 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:44 p.m. No.7803976   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4086 >>4232

Report: Trump Killed Soleimani to Appease Pro-Israel GOP War Hawks Important to Impeachment Trial


New evidence is surfacing which further suggests the impeachment trial is just an effort to pressure President Trump to go to war with Iran.


From Salon, "Trump privately admits he killed Soleimani 'under pressure' from upcoming impeachment trial: report":


President Donald Trump privately told associates that his upcoming impeachment trial factored heavily into his decision to kill top Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, The Wall Street Journal reports.


"Trump, after the strike, told associates he was under pressure to deal with Gen. Soleimani from GOP senators he views as important supporters in his coming impeachment trial in the Senate," associates of the president told the outlet.


The revelation, buried deep into a lengthy piece about the strike, follows a similar report from The New York Times.


"Trump pointed out to one person who spoke to him on the phone last week that he had been pressured to take a harder line on Iran by some Republican senators whose support he needs now more than ever amid an impeachment battle," The Times reported Tuesday.


The two GOP senators he allegedly sought to appease according to reports were Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham – two of the most fanatical pro-Israel war hawks on Iran.


Senator Tom Cotton Received Nearly $1 Mil To Oppose Iran Deal

— Peter R. Quinones (@PeterRQuinones) August 26, 2019


More from The New York Times, "Seven Days in January: How Trump Pushed U.S. and Iran to the Brink of War":


The president was initially upbeat, expecting the operation to be greeted with applause much like the raid in October that killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State. Indeed, Mr. Trump opened his first statement to reporters on the mission that Friday by describing General Suleimani as the "No. 1 terrorist anywhere in the world," much as he had opened his statement a couple of months ago calling Mr. al-Baghdadi the "world's No. 1 terrorist leader."


But as the president watched television over the weekend, he grew angry that critics were accusing him of reckless escalation. He sought validation from guests at his Florida clubs, recounting details of the Baghdad Embassy protests and drinking in their praise for his decisiveness. He told some associates that he wanted to preserve the support of Republican hawks in the Senate in the coming impeachment trial, naming Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas as an example, even though they had not spoken about Iran since before Christmas.


While Mr. Trump tipped off another hawk, Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who was visiting in Florida, his administration gave no advance warning to its European allies or Persian Gulf partners in advance of the strike. The only foreign leader who appeared in the know was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, who had spoken with Mr. Pompeo before the attack and later offered a cryptic public hint hours before it took place.


"We know that our region is stormy; very, very dramatic things are happening in it," Mr. Netanyahu told reporters, unprompted, on the tarmac in Tel Aviv before departing for a visit to Athens. He went on to offer support for the United States "and to its full right to defend itself and its citizens."


Israeli leaders were later pleased by the death of General Suleimani, one of their deadliest enemies, but remained silent lest they provoke retaliation, even as shelter supplies were checked and a ski resort near the Syrian frontier was briefly closed.


Netanyahu said last week that the strike was entirely done by the US and Israel had no involvement.


As Axios reported:


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Security Cabinet ministers Monday that the killing of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani was carried out solely by the U.S. and that Israel was not involved in any way and must not be dragged into the escalating conflict, two ministers who attended the meeting told me.

Anonymous ID: e87899 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.7804020   🗄️.is đź”—kun

More Walmart Layoffs: Massmart To Cut 1,440 Jobs, Close 34 Stores


Massmart Holdings Ltd. (MSM.JO), the Walmart-owned (WMT) retailer in South Africa, said it will cut up to 1,440 jobs after slow sales. The company also said it will close up to 34 stores.


Led by former Walmart executive, CEO Mitchell Slape, Massmart has seen its share of struggles with sales losses as South Africa’s unemployment rate rises and the cost of living continues to increase along with a weakening currency, Reuters reported. The company also reportedly saw its first half-year loss in two decades back in August.


Massmart owns Dion-Wired – an electronics and appliance retailer – and Masscash – a food and cosmetic outlet, which both have stores that are on the chopping block. The company also has ownership of chain stores Game and Makro.


“A total of 34 Dion-Wired and Masscash stores and approximately 1 440 employees are potentially affected by this process,” the company said in a statement to Reuters.


Massmart told Bloomberg that it is already in talks with local unions and the store closures could take up to two months. Massmart has a total of 450 stores located in 13 countries and employs about 48,500 full-time workers.


Shares of Massmart stock were up 5.80% as of market close on Monday while shares of Walmart stock were down 0.55% as of 3:45 p.m. EST the same day.

Anonymous ID: e87899 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:53 p.m. No.7804041   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4175

Marijuana Recall 2020: Chemical Residue Found In Cannabis Forces Recall


Michigan’s Marijuana Regulatory Agency has recalled Orange Burst medical marijuana for failing to comply with safety testing from three dispensary locations. The affected marijuana failed chemical residue testing.


The recalled marijuana was sold from Oct. 14, 2019 to Jan. 6, 2020, under the production batch number of 1A4050100002330000000009. The Orange Burst buds have individual package numbers of 1A4050100002330000000415, 1A4050100002330000000416, and 1A405010000233000000041.


The production batch number or individual package number can be found under the name of the provisioning center where the marijuana was sold. The affected marijuana was sold at Pharmaco, Inc. locations in Detroit, and two Baby City provisioning locations.


Individuals that have the affected medical marijuana in their possession should return it to the Pharmaco location where they purchased the product for proper disposal.

Anonymous ID: e87899 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.7804052   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4120

Free E-Book on How to Make Your Home Safe from Harmful EMFs and Radiation


Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) is sometimes referred to as Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and also as “Electrosmog.” Bluetooth, cell phone radiation, and WiFi (see 1, 2) are sources of wireless radiation which is also a source of EMF. No one is immune from exposure (see 1, 2, 3) including animals, some simply tolerate it better.


Exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) can cause health problems, especially for children and pregnant women. American Academy of Pediatrics and other health experts have also warned children are more vulnerable to exposure to wireless radiation. In fact, no “safe” level has been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women.


Thanks to activist and filmmaker Josh del Sol and Building Biologist Oram Miller for providing a FREE E-Book to help everyone reduce levels of EMF in their homes:


Originally produced for our 5G Crisis Summit, we’re now making it permanently free & available only for TBYP subscribers. – Josh del Sol