Anonymous ID: 37e4ed Jan. 13, 2020, 3:53 p.m. No.7804525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4601

Speaking of Vaccines Q, which specific Vaxxes should we protect


our kidanons from per your drop #1010 on April 4, 2018?


Not looking for anything from you personally, but we anons are fairly adept at detecting or reading between the lines of a post and figuring out where it might be coming from.


Like many other anons, I'm unfortunately engaged in an information war waged across the breakfast/supper table, and after hours, with a more blue than red-pilled mom and its killing me that she's dragging our kids in for routine vaccinations. Your post has been gnawing away at me since April 2018. Can you see how maddening it is for you to tell parentanons that




have been weaponized for population control?? I've been an anon since Day 1 and was sold on the Plan since the Las Vegas Harvest MBS assassination attempt and the subsequent glorious Corruption Purge in KSA. But frankly (never gonna be able to use that word again w/o that pedo coming to mind), your VAXX drop without specifying which was a "little bit of knowledge" many of us could have done without.


So how about it Boss?? Family is EVERYTHING and is the primary reason I haven't gone a day without hours of reading, digging and learning moar and moar since those heady first days of the CBTS roll-out. So could you throw us a bone here?


As always, Blessings and Protection to Q, Q+ and Family, and EVERY other Patriot putting it ALL on the line for, We, The People.

Anonymous ID: 37e4ed Jan. 13, 2020, 4:36 p.m. No.7804942   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, it's all those Biden emails, correspondence, etc. that 'CozyBear' went in and planted. Seems they've suddenly been found and Rudy is telling everyone that they're REAL! /s