Anonymous ID: 485e75 Jan. 13, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.7804680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4688 >>4691 >>4713 >>4841 >>4988 >>5076

Curious- how many total breads have Anons made since Q started posting & we made CBTS (I think that was the name of our first official research board). I know the number is got to be high when you include the breads from this board as well (ESPECIALLY from this board)!

We all have been through so much- the bakers Union, the Bewb War, multiple comped BO’s & having you move home multiple times, the notorious AFLB BV from HELL Banathon on Anons, change of BO 8BIT to FastJack (bad mistake IMO), FastJack dicking with our notables, FJ firing our Bakers, shill after shill, multiple MSM hit pieces about us crazy, far right QAnon conspiracy “terrorists”, actual FF’s done to target Q & our board, & DE-PLATFORMING OUR WHOLE WEBSITE of 8Chan & bringing in the Birth of our new website 8Kun ….which is constantly being attacked, JW being attacked & is in threat of being de-platformed AGAIN! That is just a small list of what I can remember right now.

We sure do piss off the Cabal…especially just for a Q LARP! Kek!

You Anons make this Board & have awakened MILLIONS WW! Be proud! I’m proud to serve with you Anons! It has been an adventure & I have learned so much from each of you.

Thank you all for your hard work, dedication, digging, memeing & praying!


No matter what happens going forward, never stop fighting & remember we are making history! GOD WINS!