Anonymous ID: 9a9b50 Jan. 13, 2020, 4:41 p.m. No.7805015   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Business Insider calls out the hypocrisy of Prager U's Dennis Prager and the ENTIRE MESSAGE of his new film with Adam Corolla.


The film repeatedly decries the concept of de-platforming – a practice of removing controversial figures from social media and other platforms on the idea that bad ideas will go away if they are not provided oxygen. But in an ironic twist, Prager’s own company de-platformed the disgraced alt-right friendly comic Owen Benjamin.


Benjamin’s “anti-PC” comedy repertoire – previously praised by the conservative free-speech crowd despite being replete with racist and homophobic slurs – started to feature overt anti-Semitism in 2018. Not too long after, his PragerU videosdisappeared without explanation from YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.


As a private nonprofit, PragerU has the right to remove videos and de-platform whomever it chooses. But if the idea of de-platforming is truly anathema, a bit of transparency about why they erased Benjamin’s videos from the archives would be expected. An explanation of why Benjamin’s jokes featuring racism and homophobia made him a free-speech comedy beacon, but anti-Semitism placed him beyond the pale, would also be expected. (PragerU did not respond to Insider’s requests for comment.)