Anonymous ID: a3a2ea Jan. 13, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.7804542   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7803531 (PB)


>>7803482 (PB)


The rest of the kids are not through Melania.


>>7803215 (PB)

He's not calling you stupid -- but if you want to answer by that name ...

>>7803059 (PB)

I can do the math in my head ... but not the way THIS shows it.

>>7803058 (PB)

"The Public" ain't you and me, bud.

>>7802962 (PB)

The others "aged out". The incoming posts ARE hidden ... none of us have seen them yet.

>>7802934 (PB)

There's a written record of what happened. You might want to browse through it sometime.


>>7803069 (PB)

Not Mollie, idiots. She's been here and gotten burned in the past. She knows better. Average tits for her age, no abs.


>>7802904 (PB)

It would be extremely difficult to find a company / enterprise that Soros has NOT invested in.

Your point?


>>7802860 (PB)

See that green area through NC? That's where I'm at. Get off my lawn!

Anonymous ID: a3a2ea Jan. 13, 2020, 4:34 p.m. No.7804927   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I DID receive invitations in the comment sections of two popular web sites (I am now banned from both.)


So yeah, it started with a summoning.