Anonymous ID: 1ab8fd Jan. 13, 2020, 5 p.m. No.7805215   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Read A Book …FKing IDIOT….Bet you think he was Jewish kek


Mongols, Rape and Popular Culture


Genghis sired army of 16 mn


A geneticist claims that Genghis Khan''s 40-year policy of systematic rape of female prisoners led to 16m male descendants alive today who carry his chromosome


Genghis Khan has been identified as the most successful alpha male in human history, according to a book by an Oxford geneticist. <br /><br />The Mongol emperor inseminated so many women in his 40-year career raping and pillaging across Asia that he created a pool of at least 16m male descendants who today carry his Y, or male, chromosome.

Anonymous ID: 1ab8fd Jan. 13, 2020, 5:06 p.m. No.7805284   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US removes China from currency manipulator list ahead of trade deal signing


US Treasury has removed China from its list of currency manipulator as Washington and Beijing are preparing to sing a large-scale trade deal.


The Treasury said in a statement that China agreed to publish relevant data on exchange rates and made an effort to refrain from "competitive devaluation" ahead of the agreement signing.


In its semi-annual report released on Monday, the Treasury said that while China “took concrete steps to devalue its currency,” Beijing still needs “to take the necessary steps to avoid a persistently weak currency.”


The report explicitly credits the tentative phase one trade agreement between the US and China, struck in December, for helping to bring about the reforms.


Intensive trade and currency negotiations between the United States and China over the last few months resulted in a Phase One agreement that requires structural reforms and other changes to China’s economic and trade regime in several key areas, including currency and foreign exchange issues


The report also notes an “extremely large and persistent trade surplus” Beijing enjoys with the US, which it said is “dwarfing all other trade imbalances” between the US and other countries.


The Treasury urged China to boost domestic demand and lessen its economy's reliance on export and investment, apparently, to reduce the trade gap.

Anonymous ID: 1ab8fd Jan. 13, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.7805438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5651 >>5790 >>5812 >>5835

‘F*cking Cities will Burn if Trump Gets Reelected’ – WATCH – O’Keefe Releases Teaser of First 2020 Bombshell with Hints of Crazy Bernie and Soviet Dissident Solzhenitsyn


Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe taunted Democrats on Sunday and revealed he will be releasing the ‘first bombshell tape’ of the 2020 election this week.


“You aren’t going to want to miss what we expose in 2020,” O’Keefe said reminding Americans that his undercover videos exposed “bird dogging” and other schemes cooked up by the Democrats to start fights at Trump’s rallies in 2016.


O’Keefe released a teaser of his first undercover bombshell video exposing 2020 Democrats and it looks like Bernie Sanders will be O’Keefe’s first target based on hints in his vignette.


In the teaser James is seen reading the classic Gulag Archipelago by famed Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The three-volume non-fiction series covers the life in a Soviet gulag, a Soviet forced labor camp.


Obviously, it is common knowledge that Bernie Sanders spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union.


There is even video.

Anonymous ID: 1ab8fd Jan. 13, 2020, 5:28 p.m. No.7805512   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Even the liberal left wing NPR has to Admit Obama is a LYing FKER


CHART: How The U.S. Troop Levels In Afghanistan Have Changed Under Obama


Obama Rethinks Withdrawal From Afghanistan


President Obama came into office pledging to end the U.S. military role in Afghanistan's war. But on Wednesday, the president announced there will still be around 8,400 American troops there when he leaves office in January, more than 15 years after America launched what's become the longest war in its history.


In his first few years in office, Obama dramatically ramped up the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, from a little over 30,000 to more than 100,000 troops at the peak in 2011.

Anonymous ID: 1ab8fd Jan. 13, 2020, 5:37 p.m. No.7805616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And what is congress doing besides trying to impeach Trump…..After 3 Years not a FKing thing to help Americans…BUT they will help Illegals with every breath the have..Not to mention the LYing MSM


TV’s Trump News: Three-Fourths Impeachment and 93% Negative


January 13, 2020 8:10 AM EST


In the first 100 days since House Democrats began their impeachment push on September 24, ABC, CBS and NBC have aggressively aided the effort. A Media Research Center analysis finds the Big Three evening newscasts have battered the President with 93% negative coverage and promoted impeachment at the expense of nearly all other Trump news.


At the same time, the broadcast networks donated at least 124 hours of wall-to-wall live coverage as they pre-empted regular programming in favor of House Democrat-led impeachment activities. On the other hand, the networks’ frenzy over impeachment has meant the Democratic presidential candidates have been barely visible on the evening newscasts, even though voting is due to begin in just three weeks. Details: