Anonymous ID: 3436fc Jan. 13, 2020, 4:55 p.m. No.7805145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost To Step Down


Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost will step down by the end of January, two senior officials — one with the Department of Homeland Security official and one with Customs and Border Protection — confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation.


Provost’s replacement is expected to be acting Deputy Chief Rodney Scott, a 27-year veteran of immigration enforcement.


The Washington Examiner was the first to report of Provost’s forthcoming departure.


It’s not immediately clear when exactly Provost will leave, but she is expected to be out by the end of January at the latest. She has held her position for nearly all of President Donald Trump’s tenure.


CBP did not respond to a request for comment from the DCNF, but several people with knowledge of the situation confirmed that she is departing.


Unlike other immigration-enforcement agencies during the Trump administration, Border Patrol has enjoyed steady leadership with Provost. Trump first tapped her as acting Border Patrol chief in April 2017 — only four months into his presidency. She served in that position until she was eventually promoted to a permanent capacity.


The nearly three-year tenure is a far cry from other DHS agency leaders. Former DHS acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan, for example, only served in his position for roughly six months before stepping down in November.


Mark Morgan, the current acting commissioner of CBP, is roughly six moths into his position, having served as acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) before being shifted to his his current position in July. nearly three-year tenure is a far cry from other DHS agency leaders. Former DHS acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan, for example, only served in his position for roughly six months before stepping down in November.

Anonymous ID: 3436fc Jan. 13, 2020, 4:57 p.m. No.7805177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5204 >>5567

Global Births & Population Of Potential Mothers… Down, Down, Down


Today, rather than anecdotal economics and narratives of overpopulation, I offer a view of the world from the bottom up. Based on 2019 UN population data, I offer a ninety year window of annual births and those of childbearing age globally, regionally, and for some selected countries. Gauging the size and changing nature of the "pie" is a question business owners, economists, and even presidents should know. How many potential customers / consumers / workers presently exist and how will this be changing going forward? Based on this, business' and nations could make informed decisions on spending, leverage, and growth. So, without further wasted digital ink, I will show that annual births have peaked in each world region (except Africa), and subsequently when the female childbearing population peaked or will peak.

Global Childbearing Females, Births


From 1950 to 1989, annual births rose by almost 1.5 million a year. Since 1989, global births have essentially stalled at around 135+/- million births a year (black columns below), while the growth of the potential quantity of females of childbearing age (red line) has slowed.



Anonymous ID: 3436fc Jan. 13, 2020, 5 p.m. No.7805204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5682



As of 2019, South Korean births have declined 71% from the 1960 peak…the childbearing female population has declined 23%. By 2040, childbearing females will be down nearly 50% and annual births will be down more than the UN's 72% projection; more likely 85% or more.


The full picture in South Korea, the chart below details the changing nature of the Korean population. Over the next twenty years, the young and working age populations will sink (again, using UN #'s) while the number of elderly soar. The actual #'s will be significantly lower as more realistic births become evident but the elderly population growth will remain unchanged.


This is not viable in South Korea, Japan, or China, among so many others and typically when something cannot be, it will not be. I suspect "something" will likely intercede before too long that radically changes the picture



Anonymous ID: 3436fc Jan. 13, 2020, 5:02 p.m. No.7805234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MLB Hammers Astros with Historic Punishments After Cheating Probe


Major League Baseball handed down a series of historic punishments to the Houston Astros after an in-depth probe into a cheating scheme that Houston employed during their 2017 World Series championship season.


Among the punishments: Astros General Manager Jeff Luhnow was a handed a one-year suspension. Manager A.J. Hinch was given a one-year suspension. The team was handed a $5 million fine, the maximum allowable penalty under MLB’s current constitution. In addition, the Astros will forfeit their first and second round picks in both 2020 and 2021.


The Astros were accused by former pitcher Mike Fiers of operating a sign-stealing system using cameras mounted inside the stadium.


According to USA Today baseball writer Gabe Lacques, the cheating system was an intricate one that involved several people and violated basball’s rule against using technology to steal signs:


According to the Associated Press:


Commissioner Rob Manfred announced the discipline and strongly hinted that current Boston manager Alex Cora — the Astros bench coach in 2017 — will face punishment later. Manfred said Cora developed the sign-stealing system used by the Astros.



Manfred said Hinch was aware of the system but did not bring it to the attention of Luhnow. The GM told Major League Baseball he was unaware of the system but Manfred held him accountable for the team’s actions. Manfred also said owner Jim Crane was not aware.

Anonymous ID: 3436fc Jan. 13, 2020, 5:15 p.m. No.7805392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5413 >>5418 >>5442 >>5512 >>5560

Barack and Michelle Obama Get Oscar Nomination for Being The Obamas


Barack Obama had something to celebrate today because the Netflix documentary he and wife Michelle produced, "American Factory," was predictably nominated for an Oscar for best documentary.


“Glad to see American Factory’s Oscar nod for Best Documentary,” Obama tweeted. "It’s the kind of story we don’t see often enough and it’s exactly what Michelle and I hope to achieve with Higher Ground."


Higher Ground is the name of the Obamas' production company. Last year they were accused of "deplorable behavior" over a trademark dispute over the name of the company.


"Congrats to the incredible filmmakers and entire team!” Obama added.


"American Factory," which debuted on Netflix in August, was the Obamas' first project under Higher Ground Productions and follows the story of a closed GM plant that is bought and re-opened by a Chinese billionaire. It has a 75% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and a 97% critics' score.


I admit I've never watched the documentary that the Obamas' allegedly produced, but it's a bit hard to believe that this documentary would have earned this nomination had they not been linked to the project.


Let's look at the evidence.


Barack Obama has already won two Grammy awards for Best Spoken Word Album, and Michelle Obama was recently nominated in the same category for her memoir, Becoming—and I'll bet a thousand dollars she'll win. In fact, if you look at the nominations and winners in that category, you'll find a lot of Democrat politicians and pundits have a knack for scoring nominations and winning the Grammy in that category, while their conservative counterparts don't even get nominated. Nominees for Best Spoken Word Album include Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Al Franken, and Jesse Jackson.


All of them won at least once.


Back to the Obamas. Barack Obama was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize within a month or so of taking office and ultimately won the award over several more appropriate choices. His victory was so ill-considered that the Secretary of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Geir Lundestad, regrets Obama being given the award.


The bottom line is, like many Democrats, the Obamas have a history of winning awards on their names and politics rather than for objective merit. Having their names attached to this documentary certainly gave it an advantage over the countless documentaries produced last year.


Sometimes I think it was actually one of the Obamas who taped the banana onto the wall last month that sold for $120,000.


If they ever put out a country album I'd be really afraid.

Anonymous ID: 3436fc Jan. 13, 2020, 5:35 p.m. No.7805593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5647 >>5811 >>5835

Pro-Amnesty Southern Baptist Convention Is in Damage Control After Pushing Open Borders and Its Ties To Soros Are Exposed


The world’s most wealthy, communist financier, a notorious atheist, is stealthily coordinating the deconstruction of America’s sovereignty and dismantling of our sovereign borders by infiltrating the nation’s most historically conservative channel: The Christian Church.


The Southern Baptist Church (SBC), the largest Evangelical and Protestant denomination in the United States, is in damage control mode attacking conservative publications for exposing its ties to political puppet master billionaire George Soros.


Breitbart News revealed the SBC’s links to Soros in a December report warning the Soros-funded Evangelical Immigration Table, a coalition of Evangelical Christian organizers that support amnesty for illegal aliens and open borders, lobbied “governors across the country to bring more refugees to their states.”


The public policy and lobbying arm of the SBC, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, is a member of the Evangelical Immigration Table. The EIT reportedly does not legally exist as an incorporated political entity or non-profit organization and is a project of the National Immigration Forum, a nonprofit, shell entity of Soros’ Open Society Institute.


The EIT sent letters to the governors of California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin to ask them to bring refugees to their states and as a result, “six Republican governors signed off to resettle refugees in their states, including North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey,” Breitbart notes.


Now, Baptist publications are on the attack against Breitbart and conservative organizations for exposing the SBC and the EIT’s money trail to Soros.


An article published by the Baptist Press News dubbed an “Explainer,” claims SBC and EIT are targets of a disinformation campaign and the organizations’ subversive partnership with the 89-year-old Hungarian-born philanthropist are fabricated.


“A article recently highlighted the Evangelical Immigration Table, an organization credited with persuading multiple governors to allow refugees to resettle in their states. The article also suggested the group has ties to the progressive billionaire George Soros,” Baptist Press News reports. “A number of blogs have circulated these rumors, charging the group and those affiliated with it as advancing an “open borders” mass immigration agenda. These claims have proved to be false.”


“Some accusing EIT, or member groups of EIT, as being “Soros-funded” point out that EIT is supported by the National Immigration Forum, and that an organization chaired by George Soros had awarded grant money to the National Immigration Forum — which is true. However, the grant in question represented just 2 percent of the National Immigration Forum’s overall budget, and further, EIT has never received or utilized any money from either George Soros or a Soros foundation,” the publication continues. “Additionally, the ERLC has never funded or been funded by EIT or NIF.”


Acting as the Baptist Pravda, Baptist Press News goes on to dispute SBC’s ties to Soros by citing the partisan “fact-checking website”


However, SBC’s insistence that it has never received money from Soros is an outright lie and BPN’s claims that Soros funded only 2 percent of NIT are demonstrably false.


An examination of the IRS 990 filings of the $20 billion Open Society Foundations, the private philanthropic entities of Soros, has granted hundreds of thousands of dollars to the NIF as far back as 2006 and is the group’s largest contributor.


NIF staunchly opposes border enforcement policies, additional construction of a wall along the southern border and advocates for granting legal status to most illegal immigrants already in the United States, strongly opposes.


In 2009-2010 alone, NIF received over three million dollars from OSI. In 2009, OSI donated $257,152 to NIF aimed at “implementing immigration reform campaign through communications, policy, and field organizing.”