Anonymous ID: 349b13 Jan. 13, 2020, 5:33 p.m. No.7805572   🗄️.is 🔗kun



To force Anons to view 0000 tor id. If you filter 00000 you will shut out potential content from real anons coming in on tor address. Shill then jumps to another tor GW and hits the clearnet from there… typical shill tactic. Unlimited IPs available. What they are doing is getting the tor GW ip's banned on 8kun by the sec provider. (Hitting kun with DDOS and other scripts.) If you have noticed many of the tor gateways are getting blocked / banned. What they are trying to do is limit the number of tor gateways by getting them black listed. If they de-platform the clearnet address we will have limited gateways available on tor to hit the tor address. Make sense? Im sure CM and other DOD friends are seeing whats going down.