Anonymous ID: 59b217 Jan. 13, 2020, 7:02 p.m. No.7806377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6410 >>6414 >>6431 >>6457 >>6481

Insiders have rumored for months that it will not just be the Queen who will be removed for her approval of Satanist practices in the past. Her offspring are targets too. Andrew is caught in the Epstein snare, but it is not a date with a 17 year old teen that will doom him. The Moloch worship required the rape and murder of very young children, and consumption of the adrenochrome enriched blood afterwards. Those who were aware of these practices, and took part or even were just aware, are in the sights of the UK Marines who are at the helm of the Holy War ongoing between good and evil in the UK.


Meghan and Harry were enthusiastic participants, in part to earn the top slot in the royal lineage. Harry did not have royal blood, being the offspring of Diana and a lover, and Meghan was considered a half-breed. They had been on the run for months in an attempt to escape justice. How is it that there seems to be no escape from the military Tribunals in the US and UK? Extradition is an agreement between countries to allow an arrest upon request, but these crimes – treason and ritualistic child murder, are too horrific to excuse.


Prior to an execution there is usually a delay if a suitable double or quick death has not been arranged. McCain was already fighting cancer so death by cancer was the excuse. The Pelosi double’s only tell is the teeth, and she can perform as the real Pelosi would, given that slurring and patriotic mutterings are the only thing required of her. The Queen’s double has many flaws, the most prominent the size of the chin, but by using old photos and photo doctoring the fraud is perpetuated. Obama’s double lacked the fleshy lower lip at first, but this was later fixed by injections.


By placing the Meghan and Harry changeover in Canada, the doubles were introduced to the public with enough time for the press and public to become accustomed to their new personas. The fate of the rest of the royal family is still pending and in process. Not all are personally guilty. When will this charade end? When the pending Pole Shift occurs. Until then, royal families in Europe are expected to have a steadily diminishing role. Meanwhile, the doubles have a far better life than they did prior to this engagement. Many are professional actors.

Anonymous ID: 59b217 Jan. 13, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.7806391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6410 >>6462

Queen Elizabeth was scheduled to be executed by the military Tribunals which are taking place in the US and the UK. These Tribunals confiscated the Queen’s illicit funds in December of 2016, as noted in Nancy’s Newsletter. As noted by an insider, her death sentence for numerous crimes was issued July 13, and 30 days later enforced. What crimes has the Queen, personally, been guilty of? The Queen had Diana killed because Diana had learned of the Epstein blackmail scheme - Netanyahu and his Khazarian banking empire at the helm. The Queen, as part of the Nazi bloodline, the Illuminati control, was fully involved, and this included child sacrifice, which she condoned.


Queen Elizabeth was confident that due to her high position, and very public presence, that she would be spared and allowed to live out her life in luxury. But military Tribunals rise above political posturing or the power any royalty might assume. Tribunal executions are in full swing, and to send a strong message to those who were formerly blackmailed into cooperation with Satan worshipers, the very top leadership is demonstrably executed. The double being trotted out as the Queen has many flaws, so is obvious.


Now what. There are well established steps to be taken when the Queen dies, so a public announcement is not first on the list. Commonwealth nations are first to be informed. Prince Phillip and Prince Charles, the eldest son, are unlikely to take charge due to age so will abdicate. Prince Andrew is embroiled in scandal. William and Kate hope to be chosen to “rule”. How long the truth is withheld from the public will depend on how quickly an excuse for the Queen’s death can be concocted.

Anonymous ID: 59b217 Jan. 13, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.7806436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6499 >>6505

Tribunals have been officially running in the US since the start of 2019, by decree of President Trump. Treason was on the agenda and as a result Obama and McCain were executed. This included supporting ISIS and plans to invoke World War III – the Satanist agenda. Pedophile networks, a core blackmail tool and the means by which Moloch child sacrifice was supplied with babies and toddlers, were also on the agenda and Cummings was executed as a result. Yet Hillary, who seemed to be central to it all, remained at large. She was clearly in a House Arrest boot in 2017, as was McCain, yet despite occasional doubles making an appearance as Hillary, she still seemed alive and well.


Hillary was sentenced to be executed but given a chance to serve the Junta by public appearances and statements that would awaken the public to the crimes of the Cabal. Her health required almost complete bed rest and no booze, so she was seldom seen. Did the obvious appearance of yet another double on December 12, 2019 signal a change in this routine? After her December 2, 2019 appearance on the Graham Norton show, where she enthusiastically embraced a 2020 run, and subsequent December 4 appearance on the Stern program, she was considered to have broken her plea deal and was executed as a result. She is now a Double.

Anonymous ID: 59b217 Jan. 13, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.7806554   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How about this one? POTUS posts 7 to 10 at the same time zetas post a new 7 of 10 post.


Volcano eruptions invariably mark the 7 of 10 Plate Movements, as they lie along plate borders or are centered in stretch zones. That so many extinct volcanoes are threatening to erupt and many of mankind’s most populous cities are suddenly faced with evacuation concerns is thus not unexpected. But over the centuries, mankind has not been concerned about prophecies about the End Times, and allowed their cities to develop in harm’s way. Thus we have Popocatepetl threatening 9 million people in Mexico City, Klyuchevskoy threatening 9 million in Tokyo, and Taal threatening Manila, the capitol of the Philippines.


That all these volcanoes are erupting at the same time is a sign that the 7 of 10 Plate Movements are in the end-stage of this phase – all moving and adjusting at once. The lifting Indio-Australian Plate is roiling the lava under its eastern edge, as the fires in Australia attest. This allows the Pacific to compress, with the Philippine Plate tilting and pushing under Taal. Central America is being crushed as the Caribbean Plate is forced westward by the S American Roll, as the Puerto Rican quake swarms attest. The tightening bow in the N American Continent is forcing the tip near Kamchatka into a crunch. All plates are in the dance, at present.