Anonymous ID: 5e3ca1 Jan. 13, 2020, 7:04 p.m. No.7806398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7806337 Apparently the guy is so flaming stupid & arrogant that he thinks he can openly & dishonestly insult the intelligence of many, with no consequences. This while fighting for the dark evil that is madly struggling for world dominance. That's not how it works. Consequences will arrive for every single SOB.

Anonymous ID: 5e3ca1 Jan. 13, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.7806597   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7806563 Water expands by about 9% when it freezes into ice. So melting of the ice wouldn't change the mass, but it would shrink the volume by that same 9%, back to the original volume.