Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.7806057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6072

Trump Economy Gets Less Than 1% of Network Evening News Coverage


A new Media Research Center analysis found that the three major network evening newscasts only gave President Donald Trump’s booming economy and U.S. trade nine minutes of coverage since the House Democrats’ impeachment push began on September 24, 2019.


The analysis found that ABC, CBS and NBC gave Trump’s economy only nine minutes of coverage combined across the three networks’ evening newscasts out of 1,098 total minutes during the period of September 24, 2019 - January 1, 2020. This means that any news on Trump’s economy (including his trade negotiations) only accounted for a ridiculous 0.8 percent (less than 1 percent) of coverage across 100 days.


To put that into context, impeachment/Ukraine probe dominated the liberal network airwaves with a whopping 849 minutes of airtime combined.


Since the economy has proven to be one of the president’s biggest successes during his administration, it makes sense the liberal media would try to avoid covering it as much as possible.


Specifics from the analysis found that “[t]he administration’s trade talks with China were given just over six minutes of coverage during these 100 days, while the successful effort to get the USMCA trade deal through the House received a scant 66 seconds of airtime.”


Talk about glaring bias.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:28 p.m. No.7806097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6173 >>6348

United States dismisses U.K. extradition request for wife of former U.S. diplomat charged with killing British motorcyclist


The United States has dismissed a formal request from Britain for the extradition of an American woman charged with killing a teen motorcyclist, dubbing it “highly inappropriate.”


“Following the Crown Prosecution Service’s charging decision, the Home Office has sent the extradition request to the United states for Anne Sacoolas on charges of causing death by dangerous driving,” a U.K. Home Office spokesman said in a statement to Reuters on Friday.


Harry Dunn, 19, in August was riding his motorcycle near a military base in Central England when he was fatally struck by Sacoolas, who was allegedly driving on the wrong side of the road at the time of the deadly incident


Sacoolas’ husband, a U.S. diplomat, was stationed on the base nearby the crash. In its aftermath, the 42-year-old suspect fled to the United States and claimed diplomatic immunity, which has sparked a global controversy.


The U.S. State Department in a statement Friday rebuffed the extradition request.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:31 p.m. No.7806119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6447

BREAKING — HUGE ROAR for PRESIDENT TRUMP as He Walks onto Field at College Football Championship – Chants of “USA! USA!” (VIDEO)





At one point the crowd was SO LOUD that President Trump paused and waved at the crowd!!




How the crowd reacted when President Donald Trump walked in to the National Championship Game.


— Yahoo Sports College Football (@YahooSportsCFB) January 14, 2020








— Madame (@TheRoyalMadame) January 14, 2020

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:35 p.m. No.7806155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6282 >>6316

Those you trust the most


Pro-Amnesty Southern Baptist Convention Is in Damage Control After Pushing Open Borders and Its Ties To Soros Are Exposed


The world’s most wealthy, communist financier, a notorious atheist, is stealthily coordinating the deconstruction of America’s sovereignty and dismantling of our sovereign borders by infiltrating the nation’s most historically conservative channel: The Christian Church.


The Southern Baptist Church (SBC), the largest Evangelical and Protestant denomination in the United States, is in damage control mode attacking conservative publications for exposing its ties to political puppet master billionaire George Soros.


Breitbart News revealed the SBC’s links to Soros in a December report warning the Soros-funded Evangelical Immigration Table, a coalition of Evangelical Christian organizers that support amnesty for illegal aliens and open borders, lobbied “governors across the country to bring more refugees to their states.”


Breitbart News revealed the SBC’s links to Soros in a December report warning the Soros-funded Evangelical Immigration Table, a coalition of Evangelical Christian organizers that support amnesty for illegal aliens and open borders, lobbied “governors across the country to bring more refugees to their states.”


The public policy and lobbying arm of the SBC, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, is a member of the Evangelical Immigration Table. The EIT reportedly does not legally exist as an incorporated political entity or non-profit organization and is a project of the National Immigration Forum, a nonprofit, shell entity of Soros’ Open Society Institute.


The EIT sent letters to the governors of California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin to ask them to bring refugees to their states and as a result, “six Republican governors signed off to resettle refugees in their states, including North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey,” Breitbart notes.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:39 p.m. No.7806196   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Admin Will Approve Massive Alternative Energy Projects For Federal Land


Since President Trump has put the brakes on climate change policies, it is incongruous that the administration will now approve massive alternative energy projects on public lands, all of which will involve Public-Private-Partnerships. ⁃ TN Editor


The Trump administration is poised this year to do what congressional Democrats and other critics of the president’s “energy dominance” campaign have been demanding for months: advance large-scale renewable energy projects on federal lands.


By summer, the Bureau of Land Management plans to have issued records of decision (RODs) approving five commercial-scale solar and wind projects, as well as a major proposal to open 21,000 acres in Southern California for geothermal energy leasing, according to a BLM state-by-state priority project list obtained by E&E News.


To be sure, the priority list includes plenty of high-profile fossil fuel and mining projects, including issuing an ROD by April for a revised management plan that could open up sensitive wildlife habitat within the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to oil drilling.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.7806230   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China’s Technocrat Belt And Road Expansion Breeds Local Anger


Wherever China gets its Technocratic hooks into a nation and then local economy, sparks begin to fly as they take over development, planning and social practices. Locals seldom win and concern is building everywhere. ⁃ TN Editor


When I returned to Xigang after five years, I couldn’t recognize it. What had been a small but generally well-maintained beach town had become a sprawling mess of a city; construction, mud, and piles of garbage were seemingly everywhere. The Han Chinese with whom I spoke trumpeted the new opportunities that Beijing was bringing to the local Gaomian ethnic minority in this frontier outpost. The Gaomian people, they told me, didn’t know how to develop their land and resources. Xigang may be a mess now, but, they assured me, it would emerge looking like a modern Chinese city.


Yet Xigang isn’t a Chinese city, at least in the geographic sense. Xigang itself is the Chinese name for the Cambodian port of Sihanoukville. Local Gaomian people—known in English as Khmer—have watched their home on the Gulf of Thailand change from a pleasant (if not entirely safe) place frequented by Western gap-year backpackers and beer-swilling sexpats, to what many consider a colonial settlement. A Chinese military presence appears more and more plausible.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.7806253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6285


YEAH…Lets talk TRUTH…Henry


Ford opens $275 million engine plant in Russia


MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. carmaker Ford’s (F.N) Russian venture, Ford Sollers, opened a $275 million engine plant on Thursday, which will help make its Russian-produced vehicles less dependent on imported components and currency fluctuations.


Ford aims to spend 60 percent of the cost of producing cars for the Russian market in the country itself by 2020, to qualify for benefits such as lower import duties on car components.


The new plant, in the republic of Tatarstan, has the capacity to produce up to 105,000 engines a year, with the possibility of expansion to up to 200,000, Ford Sollers said in a statement.


At least 30 percent of Russian-built Ford vehicles, including Ford Fiesta, Ford Focus, and Ford EcoSport models, will be equipped with locally built engines, the company said without providing a timeframe. Ford does not currently make any engines in Russia.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:50 p.m. No.7806289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For First Time, A Colorado Judge Denies Confiscation Request Under Red Flag Law


For the first time, a judge has denied a request to take away a man’s guns under Colorado’s new red flag law. A Limon woman claimed a man who she had a relationship with threatened her with a gun and filed the request.


Since the law took effect, the red flag law has had many gun owners seeing red. At least four requests have been filed since the first of 2020; CBS4 is aware of them being filed in Denver, in Larimer County and this one — in Lincoln County.


Many gun owners, like Jak Gruenberg, despise it.


“Red flag laws just allow for harassment of legal gun owners,” he said.


The law allows guns to be taken away from those who present a danger to themselves or others. The decision is up to a judge.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:54 p.m. No.7806317   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What's my point KEK..How FKing dumb are you..and it was earlier then the 20's …Read a Book




May 31


Ford Motor Company signs agreement with Soviet Union


After two years of exploratory visits and friendly negotiations, Ford Motor Company signs a landmark agreement to produce cars in the Soviet Union on this day in 1929.


The Soviet Union, which in 1928 had only 20,000 cars and a single truck factory, was eager to join the ranks of automotive production, and Ford, with its focus on engineering and manufacturing methods, was a natural choice to help. The always independent-minded Henry Ford was strongly in favor of his free-market company doing business with Communist countries. An article published in May 1929 in The New York Times quoted Ford as saying that “No matter where industry prospers, whether in India or China, or Russia, all the world is bound to catch some good from it.”

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:59 p.m. No.7806356   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“We’re not sure the Evergreen State can stand many more of these so-called ‘gun safety’ efforts"

Rise in Seattle Shootings, Fatalities Proof of Gun Control Failure


BELLEVUE, WA – An increase in the number of shootings and gun-related homicides in Seattle during the past year is more evidence of the failure of gun control laws adopted in recent years, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.


Shootings were up a reported 6 percent over 2018, and there were 18 fatal shootings in the city, the highest number since the city adopted a “gun violence tax” on the sale of firearms and ammunition, according to Seattle Police data. The numbers also show more reports of shots fired in the years following passage of Initiative 594 in 2014. Prior to that year, incidents of shots fired never topped 300. Since 2015—the first full year following passage of the “universal background check” measure championed by the Seattle-based gun prohibition lobby—the number of shooting incidents has not dropped below 300.


“We find it beyond ironic,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “that the exact opposite of what gun control proponents predicted has occurred. Their extremist agenda has failed to reduce gun-related crime as was implied when they pushed through their various measures.


“More people were wounded in Seattle shootings last year than any year in recent memory,” he continued. “While there were fewer overall shooting incidents, they can’t really declare a victory because 73 people were wounded and 18 were killed, and that’s more injuries and fatalities than any time since 2012, when the city also logged 18 gun-related homicides.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 7:06 p.m. No.7806417   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Barry Diller and Declan Kelly—two shrewd businessmen with ties to the Democratic establishment—are hedging that bet, putting a few chips down to keep the Clintons in play.

Power Players Still Invest in Clintons


The Clintons were back in the news last week, with word coming that Hillary had been appointed chancellor of Queen’s University, Belfast, and reports that Chelsea raked in a cool $9 million as a board member of IAC, the internet investment firm. More good news for the Clintons arrived with a Washington Post report that U.S. Attorney John Huber had ended his feckless investigation into the Clinton Foundation and Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.


Mrs. Clinton will be a figurehead at the university and her daughter is no expert in the kind of high-tech finance that lit a fire under IAC’s stock. But the moves show that a few powerful players in the Democratic ecosystem continue to put chips on the family. The question is why.


Chelsea’s windfall—$8.95 million in IAC stock and a $50,000 annual retainer—is courtesy of IAC Chairman Barry Diller, a Democratic Party megadonor and longtime Clinton friend. National Review reports IAC’s unintentionally hilarious notice advising the SEC that Chelsea was hired for “her broad public policy experience and keen intellectual acumen, which… bring a fresh and youthful perspective to IAC’s businesses and initiatives.”


Mrs. Clinton’s Belfast appointment bears the fingerprints of Declan Kelly, chairman and CEO of the Teneo advisory firm. Students of the Clinton power structure will recognize Kelly and Teneo. The firm carved an important role in efforts to advance the Clintons’ ambitions.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 7:16 p.m. No.7806490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6526

JUST NOT GIVING Jeff Bezos slammed for giving Australia fire victims just $690,000 – the same as you giving 0.0006% of your salary


AMAZON billionaire Jeff Bezos has been slammed for donating a tiny fraction of his mega-wealth to the Australian bush fire fund.


The uber-rich tech tycoon has pledged $690,000 ($1m Aus) to the relief fund - just 0.0006 per cent of his total wealth of $113 BILLION.


And some have claimed that is the equivalent the average Brit - earning £28,000 ($36K) a year - donating around 16p (20 cents) of his or her annual pay.


He said "our hearts go out to all Australians" in a post on Instagram announcing the donation to the crisis that has left 27 dead and devastated the country's wildlife.


Bezos then added: "Amazon is donating 1 million AU dollars in needed provisions and services. Find more about it and learn how customers can help as well."


However, the world's richest man quickly came under fire on social media as the donation is minuscule compared to his monster wealth.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.7806534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Republican Governor of Tennessee Faces Backlash from Own Party After Decision to Accept More Refugees


overnor Bill Lee of Tennessee is facing a backlash from state Republicans after his decision last month to bring more refugees to the state.


In late December, Breitbart reported that at least 31 counties in Tennessee were considering a resolution rebuking Lee’s approval for more refugees. Now, according to the news outlet, eight additional counties have joined the revolt, bringing the total to 39 counties out of the state’s 95 that are at odds with the Republican governor.


The state GOP has a history of fiercely opposing the refugee resettlement program.


In March of 2017, Republican state lawmakers in Tennessee sued the federal government over the program, arguing that it “violates the 10th Amendment and places an undue economic burden on the state’s taxpayers.”


Lee is one of 19 Republican governors who have asked the State Department to resettle refugees in their states, rejecting President Trump’s Executive Order allowing them to stop resettling them. President Trump in September capped the number of refugees the U.S. will accept to just 18,000 from Obama’s high of 110,000 in 2016, meaning a maximum of 18,000 refugees can be resettled in the U.S. between October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2020.

Anonymous ID: 9d7ab7 Jan. 13, 2020, 7:26 p.m. No.7806565   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He owes enough in back taxes..Maybe he should pay that kek


Amazon pays no federal income tax for 2018, despite soaring profits, report says


Profits for online retail behemoth Amazon soared in 2018, but it paid no federal income tax for the second consecutive year, according to a report published Wednesday.


The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy says the company is subject to a 21 percent tax rate on its U.S. income. However, through various tax breaks and credits, the company will receive a tax rebate of $129 million.


That's despite the company nearly doubling its profits to $11.2 billion in 2018, up from $5.6 billion the previous year, ITEP reported.


The organization explained the negative tax rate this way: "The fine print of Amazon’s income tax disclosure shows that this achievement is partly due to various unspecified 'tax credits' as well as a tax break for executive stock options."


An April 2018 Motley Fool analysis declared that Amazon is a "master of tax avoidance."