Anonymous ID: 51dc67 Jan. 13, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.7806962   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6981 >>6985 >>7048 >>7050 >>7084 >>7128 >>7299 >>7318 >>7351

Please read before watching the video


I found this video when digging on a topic that was raised a few breads back. Someone posted on the topic and got the below comments to the post. I’ve been here around two years and when people respond to a post like below…’s either Q team telling you not to go down that path….or You Are Over The Target. The links the person in the video is reviewing (posted 1/10/2020) are 404d now.


â–¶Anonymous 01/13/20 (Mon) 16:04:054c4b38 No.7804128>>7804162 >>7804184



and you are an absolute MORON for even posting that. Your first clue should have been that fucker tweeting that. God, I hate you people so fucking much


â–¶Anonymous 01/13/20 (Mon) 16:04:16270b65 No.7804130>>7804150


Way to go, stupid fucks who went and pushed and retarded shyt. WTF ever happened to digging and fact-checking?? Just go and spread BS everywhere in our name. Asswipes.


The topic is Somerset Belenoff


I'll comment to this post with some other info I've found.

Anonymous ID: 51dc67 Jan. 13, 2020, 8:19 p.m. No.7807048   🗄️.is đź”—kun

I didn't post the original…but saw how it was attacked….perked interest.


Things I've been thinking about the vid:

If this is truly a site that this high council is dropping info to members….it's gonna have at least username/password to get access. And probably…at least 2 level authentication. So this is either and elaborate hoax…..Or Q team opened the site up to view.


Anonymous ID: 51dc67 Jan. 13, 2020, 8:19 p.m. No.7807050   🗄️.is đź”—kun

I didn't post the original…but saw how it was attacked….perked interest.


Things I've been thinking about the vid:

If this is truly a site that this high council is dropping info to members….it's gonna have at least username/password to get access. And probably…at least 2 level authentication. So this is either and elaborate hoax…..Or Q team opened the site up to view.

