“The Dakota Ehanni stories (tales of the world previous to the Dakota emergence) speak of the Tayamni, the home of their ancestors, and the reason for the seven tribes … the Pleiades. The Seven Sisters play a major role in their history as well as their present day culture. In May, the Month of Hanblaceya, the Dakota/Lakota communicate with the spirits. Astronomy tells you that the Pleiades rise with the sun in May and the Lakota oral history tells you that the home of the spirits is the Pleiades. The older Dakota/Lakotas say that when you die, your spirit goes to the Milky Way and turns south …. south to the Seven Stars! I suggest you think upon this most sincerely.”
“May I please REPEAT? It is not the little gray men from space that are here to getcha–it is the grey men right on your placement!
Yes, there are bases there on your place. There are some dastardly beings within those bases–mostly, however, they are flesh and blood "good old boys" of the conspiracy or the conspirator's tools. There are not body-snatchers, however, who fly around in space craft nailing unsuspecting bodies. Those are planned and orchestrated abductions to scare the living daylights out of you people so you will be terrified of all space men who might venture into your places.”