Anonymous ID: 125035 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:18 p.m. No.7808272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8307 >>8378 >>8512

In POTUS' 2 back-to-back misspelled tweets (pic related) from Jan 13, there's an 'e' that doesn't belong & an 'm' missing. That leaves us with EM. In the other tweet there's an "f" instead of a "d".


That leaves us w/ EMF –electro-magnetic field or electromagnetic frequency. Could POTUS be pointing us toward EMF's or something related to the Electromagnetic Frequency or Field?


Dasting recent articles that all relate to EMF's:


I. " As originally reported by — yesterday, January 6th, something unexpected happened in the soil of northern Norway.


“Electrical currents started flowing,” reported Rob Stammes, who monitors ground currents at the Polarlightcenter geophysical observatory in Lofoten–an archipelago in NW Norway. t seemed to be some kind of shockwave,” said Stammes. “My instruments detected a sudden, strong variation in both ground currents and our local magnetic field. It really was a surprise.” NASA’s ACE spacecraft detected something as well. Approximately 15 minutes before the disturbance in Norway, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) near Earth abruptly swung around 180 degrees, and the solar wind density jumped more than 5-fold. Earth may have crossed through a fold in the heliospheric current sheet–a giant, wavy membrane of electrical current rippling through the solar system, writes Dr. Tony Phillips. Such crossings can cause these kind of effects. And while currents flowed through the ground, stunning auroras filled the sky."


II. " Electromagnetic Radiation impacts on life… what about hidden potential hazards like electromagnetic frequency fields or EMF’s that could affect our health and well being in our modern world? How do we learn about their effects, minimize their danger, and possibly improve unresolved symptoms and our health outlook.Some of these EMF radiation culprits include cell phones, smart meters, routers, and other wireless devices. In fact, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine recommends that “Physicians should consider patients’ total electromagnetic exposure in their diagnosis and treatment and recognize that electromagnetic and radiofrequency (RF) field exposure may be an underlying cause of a patient’s disease process.” They also list over 40 diseases and conditions that are “likely to benefit from avoiding EMF and RF exposure.”


II. "China builds world's first electromagnetic wave transmitter for earthquake prediction."


III. "DOD preps new electromagnetic spectrum strategy"



IV. "There is a large health issue that few know about and does not see much press, but it is there for everyone to see buried in the fine print when you buy most cell phones. I am talking about electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that is emitted with electronic devices, such as cell phone signals and Wi-Fi that everyone is using more and more. The new 5G network will only increase EMR much further and the health risks are unknown.