Anonymous ID: 2541c2 Jan. 14, 2020, 2:56 a.m. No.7808854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8864 >>8957


>Dude all 5g means is the next generation. Not what it is.


Every part of that assertion is erroneous. RF engineer here with experience in health effects as well as propagation, antennas, and cellular system building. While the superficial meaning of "5G" is fifth-generation, it's actually not a standalone system. The implementation of 5G adds to the existing EMF exposures, thereby increasing likelihood of adverse health effects. Also, initially, the frequencies being used for 5G are similar to the existing 4G ones already in use, so the health effects won't be very different (INITIALLY), just more of them due to increased exposure levels.


As 5G rollout develops, hardware and software innovations will introduce new EMF health risks due to the higher frequencies and complex, pulsed waveforms. These exposures will more easily compromise health in anyone who may have been at the brink, but surviving, under the onslaught of 4G+early 5G.


By the time the highest frequencies allocated for 5G are implemented, no one will be able to escape the intensified exposures, even in rural areas. The highest frequencies resonate with sweat glands and hair follicles in the skin, and cause discomfort and inflammation in healthy people. The EMF exposures increase voltage-gated calcium-channel permeability, allowing excess calcium into the cells and the resulting cascade of reactive oxygen species (which can cause DNA damage, cancer and a long list of other health problems).