Anonymous ID: 617345 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:01 p.m. No.7808191   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TRUST THE PLAN Cross Referencing Q Words and Phrases with Biblical Meaning


If you hear any one thing, hear this: TRUST THE PLAN goes way beyond American borders; this is worldwide and all encompassing, without exclusions. Further, draining the swamp isn’t limited to politicians, corporate executives, non-elected bureaucrats, religious leaders, Hollywood, and the tops tier untouchables. Many of these people are something special in a corrupt world system, but in reality they are nothing more than leaders of the swamp creature. Now this swamp includes billions of individuals worldwide, common folk, ignorant, not yet realizing they are swamp dwellers. It includes people like your friends, parents, brother, sister, co-workers, even you, or us…all following swamp leaders in some form or another. It’s unavoidable from birth. But the quickening has already begun for the common people, they being the first to rise up and wash, most having little to be forgiven of. But swamp leaders are not so. They have hard hearts and will take cover in the murky waters as long as possible. They hide from the thing they fear most, SHAME. But there will be no exclusions here either, everyone will get exposed in times to come. It is impossible for any one man or group to stop what’s coming. All things will be revealed. We all get equal treatment.


Therefore, in an attempt to understand the plan, I had an unction to go back and examine some of the Q bread crumbs regarding the keystone.


On Dec 5, 2017, (5:5), Q offered us a definition of keystone.

Q Post 269

Key – unlocks the door of all doors

Stone – the force/strength capable of yielding power to act on info


My approach:


  1. Identify the Q words or phrases related to the keystone and with significant biblical meaning. Some words and phrases were mentioned more than once, I’ve excluded the repetition because the number of times is irrelevant here.

  2. Cross reference the Q words and phrases with hidden meaning of the same in bible prophecy and/or patterns. I’m not claiming Q is posting hidden biblical prophecy, although Q could be, words and phrases have both natural and spiritual meaning. I’m only examining what is posted on the visible side (here), and translating it to the invisible side (there). Post 128 Q suggests: Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you. I’ll repeat for emphasis, for anyone in the swamp, TRUTH IS BEHIND YOU. And for clarification, TRUTH dwells there in the invisble realm, FACTS abide here in the visible. This means you are in a visible world looking for something which is invisible. Facts are important, but Truth is more important.

  3. Now if we understand the full extent of the plan, then we also know what’s coming. I was first given the interpretation of the plan, to know what’s coming, and was then able to back into the plan itself and write the biblical rendition which lays out the roadmap from beginning to end. My source is Jehovah Sabaoth. I have no religious background to poison the outcome. The interpretation is not mine to give at this point.




NEWS UNLOCKS…Map, Meaning, Message, The door of all doors, Future unlocks past, Server unlocks, News unlocks


THE KEY…The graphic is the key, What is a key?, What is a key used for?, Qmap ½ confirmed - This is the key, Find the keystone, Key + Stone, Key unlocks door of all doors, Apply the keystone, Key spreads Truth, Map provides key, Follow the money - it is the key


THE LIGHT…The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be on the team, Dark Light, Stay in the Light, “FIRE”


THE OPENING…Sealed Unsealed, If records become unsealed much will be revealed, Define open source, Open your heart and your mind, EYES WIDE OPEN, …open and transparent, Open source, The door will be opened later, The choice to know will be yours, Intercepts can be revealing, Expand your thinking



  1. We must unite again

  2. We must fight again

  3. We must rise again


After cross referencing these words and phrases with Old and New Testament prophecy and patterns, we are able to lay out the formula for TRUST THE PLAN.


Now each of us has two timelines we live in simultaneously, and everything we say and do is established in synchronous fashion one to the other. Timelines are not lineal, they are circular. The biblical formula wholly identifies three milestones, consisting of a total of eight events, of which one event is not.


Biblical Formula for TRUST THE PLAN:


begin_ [13].1 7 |U| 05+ < 231213. r17 _end


No one can stop what’s coming. It’s BIBLICAL.