Anonymous ID: 6ff3b3 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:04 p.m. No.7808209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8211 >>8213 >>8220 >>8225 >>8256 >>8260 >>8305 >>8471 >>8570



why are the recent Q posts gone??

an anon posted all those caps for baker bc they timed out, like done in the past anons thought the caps would be included.

why not? another move to obviously say "fuck you" to anons by BO?


and whi did clown baker bake a total shill post again?

>>7807191, >>7807221, >>7807225, >>7807230, >>7807245, >>7807257, >>7807259, >>7807275 anons discuss JQ, why Q came to the board


what a bs, despite BO and his clown crew pushing hard for muh jew, it´s just not at all fitting to Q and POTUS.


If you don´t like clowns in the kitchen, if you don´t like BO ever showing up and not anymore checking bakers. If you don´t like Jim and Ron not caring at all,


@CodeMonkeyZ, @isitwetyet (Ron)

@infinitechan (Jim)


controlled opposition needs to be blended in, that is why clown accounts like Jordan Sather keep spreding sonme legit news, this is why demanding Jim and Ron to make a change will be effective.

Anonymous ID: 6ff3b3 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:08 p.m. No.7808225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8228 >>8245 >>8255 >>8268 >>8287 >>8303 >>8305 >>8320 >>8322 >>8323 >>8397 >>8719

>>7808074 (OP)





This is as fake as the first takedown by a 'former' friend and businessmate of Jim.


>>7780747, >>7780781 Jim W: 88 of his domains taken down bc of 8kun

>>7768057 , >>7768859, >>7771829 (OP) Jim Watkins: Possible deplatforming in the next 10 days. Please help


Jim and Ron are controlled opposition clowns.

The first takedown happened after the board owner started to glow hard as controlled opposition. He did many shilly moves and anons called him out. Q called him out and asked to undo the all-time-captcha (that BO did w/o even answering to confused anons) and not change the way notables are collected.

The takedown then happened right after Q deleted the placeholder posts on PF - deep state thought FISA was going to hit, so they took down the site.

The story around that is fake.

If Jim and Ron were patriots, they would care for the board and make the board owner again do his job - but they don´t.

They are clowns and wanted to influence the Q movement (by muh jew or disinfo for example), this failed, so they shut down the board again - a desperate move, and way too early it seems.


some info on Jim and Ron:

  • they met with controlled opposition clowns of other boards

  • Jim gave an interview to a clown and claimed he had never heard of the Q movement (the one that brought huge traffic to his site, being the reason for his son Ron to update the servers often)

  • Jim Watkins has two names - he did earlier 'news' (also controlled opposition) as Jim Cherney - who the fuck has two names if not a spook??

  • they obviously support a clown as board owner



>>7768030 pb

>>7768066 pb

>>7768095 pb

>>7768170 pb

>>7768207 pb


Why would Jim still be doing business with Fred Brennan, if he was the person responsible for 8chan takedown? - it´s all fake, they are clowns!

>>7799769 pb

Anonymous ID: 6ff3b3 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:09 p.m. No.7808232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8244 >>8277 >>8305


Repost, bc keep using this clown post is so pathetic.

This post was only written to save BO, Jim, Ron bc they stard to glow.


pb baker took a post from a 25-post-clown that posted the notable post 3 times in the bread and also posted this?


all pb:

>>7691089 lol lol lol

>>7691160, >>7691188, >>7691441 filling the bread with mostly bs memes (included as 'tactic used by shills' in his own post!!)

>>7691258 bs, btw, this is exactly how Anjel posts...

>>7691374 lol lol lol


This clown just glows.

And tbh I can not believe that a based baker takes this as notable...



post in notable



This post names many known and obvious clown tactics and mixes them with what anons post.

This was done earlier when "muh jews" and "muh masons" were posted by clown as 'shill tactics' - while muh jew obviously glows it´s not "muh masons shilling" when research and info on the actual cult and dark religion are posted.


But this post also tried to make other legit work of anons look like clowns - the same topics that are attacked by the clowns since a long time:

>… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

Q asked anons to build a clock, this works amazingly well and it was notable hundreds of times with amazing coinkinks. (it makes clowns butthurt bc it shows how well planned this all is.)


>… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

Digging on the masonic / illuminati deepstate, their symbolism and persons is not shilling, but what anons do on this board.


>… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, Bo, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

This I believe is the very reason this post was made at all. BO is never around anymore, got rid of his BVs, it takes him weeks to make minor needed fixes, he does not check bakers at all, leading to many clown bakers.

many anons call this out, which is obviously legit, and many anons assume BO is a controlled opposition clown.


>… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"

I try to make a post of "see the shills" in as much breads as I can.

This posts triggeres shills since a long time.

So now shills make a pasta and ask to use often and share wide, to include in this "beware of pasta', bc a specific one triggeres them?? topkek.


Also this post tries to make anons filter ID+ instead of ID, which leads to filtering every anon that replies to one clown post.

>If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +


Post also says

>Scroll or Filter

>Just an opinion… Take it or leave it…

and at the same time screams

<Filter ruthlessly and fast.

<Filter fucking ruthlessly!



Imo this post was only done to make it look like the "true brave shill fighters" just love BO.

Do they really like BO not being around anymore? Do they like never ever seeing a BV post? Did they think always someone from board admin lurking and fixing problems in the past was a bad thing? Seriously?

Fact: BO starts to glow. This post only proves.


same ID posted:

>>7690968 Thank you Ron, Jim, team

Anonymous ID: 6ff3b3 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.7808303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8327 >>8382



why is Ron meeting that Hiroyuki clown?



how comes the clowns that backs up, BO Jim and Ron post anime like Hiroyuki does and shills muh jew like Hiroyuki does?


This board is provided by clowns, clowns that knew Q would organically grow other channels/board if they did not provide something after 4chan was visibly a clown board.

Thas does of course not mean this board would not be effective in sharing relevant info. Since many months Q keeps growing. The take down of 8chan only brought more attention to Q. Another dakedown will do so even more.

That is why clowns try so hard to paint that board in a certain why why trying to make work uncomfy for anons.


Racism and anti-Semitism surged in corners of the Web after Trump’s election, analysis shows

"Racism and anti-Semitism surged in corners of the Web after Trump’s election, analysis shows.

The researchers found the use of the word “Jew” and a derogatory term for Jewish people nearly doubled on the “Politically Incorrect” discussion group on 4chan, an anonymous online messaging board, between July 2016 and January 2018. The use of a racial slur referring to African Americans grew by more than 30 percent in the same period.


Yes, MSM really is that stupid, they present the number of time the word "Jew" was posted.

This is why clowns don´t even try to convince anymore (all clown tactics failed bigly), clowns only try to post the word jew as often as possible every bread while trying to make the clowns look like 'anons doing research'.

It´s pathetic.

Anonymous ID: 6ff3b3 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.7808320   🗄️.is 🔗kun



was there ever something digged on that hard?

I seriously cannot remember when one single topic was pushed so hard.

This is only done to make clown BO, Jim and Ron look based.

>Anon all dig on the enemies of brave Jim

It´s fake as fuck.


This is why this post linked to my post.


Kind of a pathetic 'proof' that all the info on Jim and Ron would be wrong - desparate clowns.

Anonymous ID: 6ff3b3 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:38 p.m. No.7808338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8351 >>8354


what makes you say that?

don´t you know Q left other board bc being compromised?

don´t you know tripcodes have been compromised and Q called out the current BO for doing bad moves?


are you only trying to make clowns seem based?

Anonymous ID: 6ff3b3 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:57 p.m. No.7808397   🗄️.is 🔗kun


why did Jim give an interview to a person that Q said was a controlled opposition clown?

why would someone who is here to help the Q movement give an interview to Jack "chatlogs" Posobiec?


why would Jim claim in that interview that he had never ever heard of Q or the Q movement before 8chan takedown?

does this seem legit when Q bought huge traffic to his site and codemonkey (his son!) has to adjust the serves several times to be able to handle the Q traffic?


why did Jim not simply say

>8chan was taken down right after a so-called conspiracy theory brought huge traffic to 8chan



why did he miss that great chance to be loud?

would someone that tries to help Q do that? NO WAY.