Anonymous ID: 7f79e1 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:18 p.m. No.7808269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8462

just noticed this; don't recall anyone else catching this before:


[b] NOTEABLE [/b]


[u]Voat / Reddit Replacement (because reddit nuked /r/calmbeforethestorm & /r/greatawakening) is in the KILL BOX! [/u]


Voat = [Reddit Replacement]


Q Drop 2272:



The Official VOAT Replacement for Reddit is Live



21 Sep 2018 - 8:59:16 PM📁📁📁📁📁

[Reddit Replacement]




I think this is a warning.


No outside comms.


I've personally seen damaging supposed ideologies that I first noticed en masse on Voat leak over progressively more and more to 8chan / 8kun


I feel like they're doing an okay job of warping some people's minds into negative things.


Which, really, confirms my suspicion due to it's ongoing sketchy going-ons.


They claim they're endorsed & backed by Q.


They aren't. They were called out.


Their mascot is a GOAT, for crying out loud. Symbolism for goats & the cabal…look into it if you don't understand.


Plenty of good people there getting feed a lot of targeted bad mixed in with the innocent good.


The forum is constantly going down, especially when things are over the target. No real good way to search the forum that I'm aware of. Forum sliders & shills in abundance. Seems overly focused on divisive tactics. I could go on and on.


Yet, it's regularly accepted, even here as "endorsed"




QDrop #2272


Read it again.


It's a warning.


They want us divided.


Kill box says it all.

Anonymous ID: 7f79e1 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:35 p.m. No.7808329   🗄️.is 🔗kun

just noticed this; don't recall anyone else catching this before:




Voat / Reddit Replacement (because reddit nuked /r/calmbeforethestorm & /r/greatawakening) is in the KILL BOX!


Voat = [Reddit Replacement]


Q Drop 2272:




The Official VOAT Replacement for Reddit is Live






21 Sep 2018 - 8:59:16 PM📁📁📁📁📁


[Reddit Replacement]






I think this is a warning.


No outside comms.


I've personally seen damaging supposed ideologies that I first noticed en masse on Voat leak over progressively more and more to 8chan / 8kun


I feel like they're doing an okay job of warping some people's minds into negative things.


Which, really, confirms my suspicion due to it's ongoing sketchy going-ons.


They claim they're endorsed & backed by Q.


They aren't. They were called out.


Their mascot is a GOAT, for crying out loud. Symbolism for goats & the cabal…look into it if you don't understand.


Plenty of good people there getting feed a lot of targeted bad mixed in with the innocent good.


The forum is constantly going down, especially when things are over the target. No real good way to search the forum that I'm aware of. Forum sliders & shills in abundance. Seems overly focused on divisive tactics. I could go on and on.


Yet, it's regularly accepted, even here as "endorsed"




QDrop #2272


Read it again.


It's a warning.


They want us divided.


Kill box says it all.


Edit: 2nd time posting, hopefully fixed red / underlining format mistakes…will attempt to figure out deleting previous post if needed