Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:10 p.m. No.7808238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8285 >>8288 >>8416 >>8753 >>8826 >>8871 >>8902

Mueller Witness, George Nader, Who Allegedly Funneled Money To Clinton Pleads Guilty To Child Porn, Trafficking


George Nader admitted to possessing child pornography and trafficking a 14-year-old boy into the U.S. for sex.


National File reported on the indictment of key Mueller witness George Nader for allegedly funneling $3.5 million to the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign in December. Today, he pleaded guilty to possessing child porn and sex trafficking.


Nader, 60, was a key witness in the Robert Mueller Russia probe against President Donald Trump, and a Hillary Clinton supporter who was indicted for funneling millions of dollars to the latter’s failed presidential campaign.


Nader was convicted Monday of possessing child pornography and transporting a 14-year-old boy from the Czech Republic into the United States for sexual purposes.


Prosecutors are recommending a sentence of only ten years for Nader, according to the Washington Post.


Nader went on to serve in the Defense Department and the George W. Bush administration as an advisor on Middle Eastern policy after engaging in statutory rape against at least five Czech boys.


The Lebanese-American businessman was convicted of sex crimes against minors in the Czech Republic in 2003, and was sentenced to a year in Czech prison.


Nader also has a conviction dating to 1991 for possessing child pornography. This will not impact his current sentencing, as prosecutors have dropped possession of obscene material charges against him as part of the plea deal.


Nader’s attorneys tried unsuccessfully tried to argue that the statute of limitations was still in existence at the time of his crimes, and therefore should not be applied to the current trial.


National File previously reported on Nader’s indictment for funneling $3.5 million to the Hillary Clinton campaign:


Eight people were indicted Wednesday on charges of illegally funneling money into Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign, as well as other left-wing causes. Among them was George Aref Nader, a key witness in Robert Mueller’s three-year investigation into now-debunked claims of Russian election interference on behalf of Donald Trump.


Nader, 60, is a businessman and lobbyist who has acted as a liaison for Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in Washington, D.C.

Nader’s name showed up more than 100 times in the Mueller report, and he was briefly fawned over by national media for his involvement in the infamous Russia probe before his arrest in 2019 for possessing child pornography and transporting a 14-year-old boy for sex.


It is unclear what effect the child trafficking charges will have on Nader’s fraudulent campaign finance case.

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:17 p.m. No.7808265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8416 >>8446 >>8459 >>8753 >>8826 >>8871 >>8902

Scottsdale, AZ Praised for Standing Up to Suing Satanic Temple Cultists Over Their Demand to Lead the Invocation at a City Board Meeting in 2016.


An organization is encouraging the public to stand behind an Arizona city that is standing up to bullying tactics from a Satanist group.


John Horvat, vice president of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property, says the City of Scottsdale deserves to be commended for refusing to cave when the Tucson-based Satanic Temple demanded to lead the invocation at a city board meeting in 2016.


The same Satanists have made the same demand to several other Arizona cities such as Phoenix, which dropped the invocation rather than allow it, The Arizona Republic newspaper reported.


Despite their public alliance with the Prince of Darkness, the Satanists claim publicly that they are not religious but are actually humanists and atheists. Yet the Scottsdale lawsuit ironically claims religious discrimination on behalf of the city government.


Scottsdale, meanwhile, is claiming it refused them because they have no ties to the community even though ministers from other communities have led the pre-meeting prayers, the Republic said.


Horvat says his organization has started an online petition to sign thanking Scottsdale’s longtime mayor, Jim Lane, for standing up to the Satanists and their threats, a legal fight that is now stretching into a fourth year.


The petition, which is online at, has climbed to 18,000 signatures and Horvat says the goal is 20,000.


According to Horvat, the Satanic Temple is trying to “mainstream” itself for what is really an evil cause.

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.7808301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8308 >>8310 >>8710 >>8754

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez complains about record-breaking Dow surge: 'Inequality in a nutshell'


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) lamented the rise of the Dow Jones Industrial Average in a Saturday tweet, complaining that it was nothing more than "inequality."


The Dow surged past the 29,000 threshold on Friday for the first time despite the most recent monthly jobs report showing a slowing employment growth. The massive gain was due in part to large gains in stocks such as Pfizer, Apple, and Coca-Cola.


What did she say?


In a pointed tweet, the freshman congresswoman wrote, "The Dow soars, wages don't. Inequality in a nutshell."


A wide variety of social media users seemed to agree with her — or at least respected the point she was trying to make — as, at the time of this writing, the democratic socialist lawmaker received more than 117,000 likes on the tweet.


According to Business Insider, Ocasio-Cortez's post, "underlined the problem of stagnant US wages and the wealth gap between investors and salaried workers."


What else?


In 2019, while the stock market surged about 22 percent, average hourly earnings only rose 2.9 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The bureau announced that approximately 145,000 non-farm payrolls were created in December, about 15,000 short of what was initially projected.


In a Friday report, Business Insider noted that average hourly earnings did increase 2.9 percent year over year, and unemployment has dipped to its lowest level in 50 years at just 3.5 percent.

Anything else?


At least half of Americans own stocks through a variety of money management means, such as mutual funds, retirement accounts, and more according to a 2019 Politifact report.


According to the outlet — which pointed to a 2017 Time report — just about half of American households own stock shares either directly or indirectly through mutual funds, trusts, and a variety of pension accounts. The outlet reports, however, that the richest 10 percent of that share controlled 84 percent of the total value of stocks in 2016.


A 2019 Gallup report also noted that 55 percent of Americans reported to have owned stock — a 1 percentage point increase since 2010.


You can read more here:

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:28 p.m. No.7808311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Journalist Sharyl Attkisson: Former federal agent blows the whistle on illegal surveillance operation during Obama administration


And it was run by none other than Rod Rosenstein


Sharyl Attkisson, a five-time Emmy Award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting, joined Glenn Beck on the radio program Monday to discuss an illegal government operation that allegedly spied on her and several other U.S. citizens during the Obama administration – and it was lead by former U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein.


A former federal agent has recently stepped forward to admit that he was directly involved in the unauthorized and illegal surveillance of Attkisson's laptop computers and telephones from 2011 to 2014. The insider also identified Rosenstein as the person directing the surveillance operation.


Watch the video for details.

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:37 p.m. No.7808335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8340 >>8342 >>8343 >>8416 >>8753 >>8781 >>8826 >>8871 >>8902

15 of the 21 Saudi Aviation Students Investigated in Connection With the December Pensacola Terrorist Attack Had Child Porn on Their Computers


Disgusting: Kiddie Porn and Jihad, Saudi Flight Students Caught


Part 1


What are the odds of a Saudi Aviation Student Being into Child Pornography and Terror?


Out of twenty-one local Saudi aviation students investigated in connection with the Dec 2019 Pensacola terrorist attack, fifteen had child pornography on their computers. That’s a rate of seven out of ten (70%). What’s wrong with these people? Supposedly the Saudis send the best of the best for this training. If the perversion rate of this elite group is 7/10, how much higher is it for the lesser beings over there?


Experts on the psychology behind child pornography believe this activity stems from a deep sense of sexual inadequacy or from traumatic early childhood sexual experiences. Considering the Muslim culture in many countries, young boys being used for sexual gratification is not uncommon. Yet it is difficult to imagine the Saudi upper-caste, the ones chosen as officers and pilots, being subject to such degradation.


Watch Them 24/7


Whatever the reason for this deviant behavior, it is important for law enforcement, and those who will be vetting future students, to be aware of the unnatural proclivities of Muslim officers coming to our country. Perhaps a monitoring system to keep track of their cyber activities would be in order.


Hidden Dangers


An even higher number of these twenty-one Saudi officers had jihad materials in their possession. Seventeen (8/10) had anti-American literature on their computers or in some other form. That’s a lot of very focused hatred towards the host country that is training them so they can go back and keep their nation safe. How does such a large percentage of Saudi officers become so thoroughly indoctrinated?


What is going on in Saudi Arabia that produces so much animosity towards the US? Supposedly, many of these students were angry at our nation for supporting Israel, yet the two nations are unofficially allied against Iran. Additionally, the Saudi Kingdom is reported to be negotiating with Israel to purchase some of their surplus natural gas. If that is the case, and Saudi ties to Palestinian causes are weakening, it isn’t the Saudi government indoctrinating these officers.


So, the brain-washing is either coming from their families or their religious leaders. In either case, vetting future students will be difficult without cooperation from Saudi intelligence.


The Good News


All seventeen of the Saudis caught with jihad materials and child porn are being kicked out of the flight program and sent home to face charges. Embarrassing the Emirate will lead to a harsh reception. These washouts will be facing a military tribunal in their home country, and a life of shame and possible imprisonment.

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:38 p.m. No.7808340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8353 >>8369 >>8371 >>8416 >>8753 >>8826 >>8871 >>8902


15 of the 21 Saudi Aviation Students Investigated in Connection With the December Pensacola Terrorist Attack Had Child Porn on Their Computers


Disgusting: Kiddie Porn and Jihad, Saudi Flight Students Caught


Part 2


When US Attorney General Barr was asked why these students weren’t facing child pornography charges in the US, he replied that the level of involvement didn’t “meet the threshold” for prosecution–whatever that means. The Saudi government is willing to return the students to the US to face any charges which may arise from the continued investigation.


What about other Saudis in the US?


As of 2016, there were approximately 125,000 Saudis studying in the US. With the ratios of pro-jihad and kiddie porn populating the Saudi Air Force, one may be forgiven for wondering if we might have upwards of 100,000 potential jihadis in our country. Maybe almost 90,000 child pornography aficionados are included in that population. We certainly couldn’t rely on a self-report survey, could we? And where there is kiddie porn, there is often sexual abuse of children.


In several Pew Research surveys of Muslim attitudes in America, upwards of 20% report believing that jihad against US civilians could be a reasonable option. Once again, this is a self-report survey, so we could expect the real number to be higher. The 80 percent ratio of pro-jihad officers at Pensacola was gleaned from actual proof taken from their computers, not self-report. If we try to balance these two results (20% vs 80%) it would be reasonable to believe the actual number of Muslims willing to wage or support violence against US citizens to be much closer to the higher end.


Wake Up!


Americans are naïve about the dangers of having so many people who hate us in our midst. We may experience some political animosity, especially during an election year, but that pales against people who come from countries with a multi-generational history of cultural hatred and bloodshed. They don’t forgive, and they sure don’t forget. The military industry executives and their investors responsible for continuing to push more Middle East immigration are safe. They’ll not be the ones most likely to be subjected to the street-level violence that eventually will sweep across America.


Why are we training and arming our enemies?


Attorney General Barr started off his briefing with a statement supporting the continuation of our training agreement with our ally, Saudi Arabia. In a tip of his hat to the aviation industry, he dropped in the comment that these Saudi students go home and fly American aircraft. Maybe that’s the answer. Maybe it is all about money.


In that case, how much was each of the three American lives worth, that were lost in this terrorist attack?

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:44 p.m. No.7808357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8464 >>8555 >>8614 >>8684 >>8753 >>8826 >>8871 >>8902

A US District judge in Maryland has ruled that American troops must serve alongside HIV infected personnel. Isn’t that a decision to be made by the President?


What??? Fed District Judge Taking Over Military Central Command


I’ve always said you’ll have far less trouble with a snake in a sack, than a man in a robe.

Where does it end?


They get involved in everything. Activist judges have been a thorn in the side of President Trump as he has tried to steer this nation down a course towards prosperity and safety. Now a US District judge in Maryland has ruled that American troops must serve alongside HIV infected personnel. Isn’t that a decision to be made by the President?


Two Air Force members were discharged from service due to their medical condition. The unit they served in was required to deploy to Central Command, which is responsible for operations in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. Central Command rules prevent anyone from deploying to these potential combat areas if they are HIV positive.


If you can’t deploy and do your job, then the military has no use for you. It’s always been that way, and should stay the same.


Get a lawyer!


The discharged (HIV pos.) veterans sued to be returned to active duty. Their attorney argued that the risk to other personnel of HIV infection was “infinitesimal.” The Air Force countered that the risk was high due to the possibility of combat-related open wounds. If you are injured, HIV positive, and bleeding all over your comrades, I see that as a serious morale and health issue.


Unfortunately, these activist judges run in packs, and a three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals out of Richmond, Virginia upheld the District Judge’s injunction against discharge.


One of the attorneys, Scott Schoettes, counsel and HIV Project Director for Lambda Legal celebrated the victory, stating: “This ruling means the Trump administration cannot discharge any airmen based on their HIV-positive status during the pendency of this lawsuit.” In other words, the hell with the other service members put at risk due to the reckless behavior of these two. The Judicial Branch of the government now wants to run the military—won’t that be fun to watch?


Judge Leonie Brinkema, who issued the injunction, will decide the outcome of the case at trial. No jury will be involved. Hopefully the DOJ will appeal an unfavorable verdict.


So how would you feel if your spouse or partner, or offspring had to serve alongside someone with HIV? If one of these military members gets injured, who is expected to risk infection treating them?


It’s time for our Commander in Chief to stand up to these District judges who are handing down rulings that reach beyond their jurisdictions.

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:56 p.m. No.7808393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8414 >>8416 >>8753 >>8826 >>8871 >>8902

Amazon Will Ask Court to Block Microsoft From $10 Billion U.S. Government Cloud Computing Contract


Amazon will ask a federal court to temporarily block Microsoft from working on a $10 billion cloud computing contract for the military, according to a court filing Monday.


Microsoft is scheduled to begin its work on the contract on Feb. 11. But Amazon’s cloud computing division will seek a preliminary injunction to “prevent the issuance of substantive task orders under the contract,” the filing said. Amazon’s request will be submitted by Jan. 24.


The request is part of Amazon’s ongoing challenge to the Trump administration over the way the contract was awarded, which it argues was influenced by President Donald Trump’s dislike of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and the Washington Post, which Bezos owns. Amazon was widely believed to be the front-runner to win the Pentagon’s business, before Trump vowed to take “a strong look” at the deal. It lost the contract to Microsoft’s Azure cloud business in October.


The contract — called Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, or JEDI — involves providing cloud storage of sensitive military data and technology, such as artificial intelligence, to the Department of Defense, and could result in revenue of up to $10 billion over 10 years.


After Trump’s remarks, the Defense Department launched a review of the JEDI contract. Defense Secretary Mark Esper recused himself from the review less than a month before the contract was awarded, citing his son’s employment at IBM — which had also briefly been in the running for JEDI.


The Pentagon said it chose Microsoft because the company would help improve the “speed and effectiveness with which we develop and deploy modernized technical capabilities to our men and women in uniform.”


Late last year, Amazon filed a suit with the US Court of Federal Claims contesting the decision.


Microsoft declined to comment Monday night.

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:10 a.m. No.7808443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8647 >>8672 >>8731

Wisconsin judge orders commission to purge up to 209,000 names from voter rolls


A Wisconsin judge on Monday found the state’s Elections Commission and three of its members in contempt of court and ordered the commission to remove up to 209,000 names from the state's voter rolls, in a case that could have major implications later this year in a key battleground state.


Saying in his ruling that “time is of the essence,” Judge Paul Malloy said that there is no time to wait for the case to make its way to the Wisconsin Supreme Court and ordered that the state pay $50 a day until it starts removing people from the voter rolls.


Malloy also ordered that the three Democrats on the commission – Ann Jacobs, Julie Glancy and Mark Thomsen – pay $250 a day each. The state Justice Department asked Malloy to stay his order of contempt pending an appeal of his ruling, but the judge denied the request.


"I can’t be any clearer than this," Malloy said, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "They need to follow my order."


The case is being closely tracked on a national level, as Wisconsin is one of the most politically prized states up for grabs in this year’s presidential election. President Trump won the state by fewer than 23,000 votes in 2016, becoming the first Republican to win Wisconsin since 1984, after Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton infamously failed to campaign in the state. Democrats are trying to remedy their loss this election season by holding the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee this summer and aggressively targeting voters in the Badger State.


State Democrats in Wisconsin are fighting the lawsuit, saying the purge would unfairly affect their voters. Republicans, however, argue that they merely want to ensure that people who have moved are not able to vote from their old addresses.


Those bringing the lawsuit argue that the state elections commission, which includes an equal number of Republicans and Democrats, broke the law when it did not remove voters from the rolls who did not respond within 30 days to a mailing in October indicating they may have moved.


The commission wanted to wait until after the November 2020 presidential election before it removed anyone because of inaccuracies with a previous round of data identifying voters who had potentially moved. Even if a voter has their registration deactivated, they can register again later or on Election Day when they show up at the polls, assuming they have the required documentation.


Malloy last month sided with conservatives who filed the lawsuit and ordered that the voters have their registrations deactivated. The elections commission has deadlocked on when to do that, however. That led to the filing of a motion to find the commission in contempt and face $12,000 a day in fines if it doesn't move to purge the voters.


Meanwhile, the state Department of Justice asked both a state appeals court and the state Supreme Court to put the earlier ruling on hold. The appeals court said it wouldn't take action because of the pending request before the state Supreme Court that it takes the case. The high court has not said what it will do.


The affected voters come more heavily from Democratic areas of Wisconsin, including Milwaukee and cities with college campuses. Democrats fear forcing voters whose registration was nullified to re-register would create a burden on them and hurt turnout. Republicans argue that removing the voters would ensure that the rolls are not full of people who shouldn't be voting.


The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin also filed a federal lawsuit to stop the purge. That lawsuit argues that it would be a violation of constitutional due process rights to deactivate the registrations of the voters without proper notice. The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty and the Republican-controlled Legislature are both seeking to intervene in that lawsuit and have it dismissed.

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:13 a.m. No.7808454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8565

Colorado judge denies request to take man's guns under new 'red flag' law


In a first, a judge declined a motion to confiscate a man’s guns under Colorado’s “red flag” law, according to CBS4.


The unnamed woman who filed the request, who lives in the town of Limon, is one of four known people who have made filings to confiscate guns under the law, with others filing in Denver and Larimer County.


The filing claims the man in question has a drinking problem and has verbally and physically threatened the person making the request with a handgun, according to CBS4.


Lincoln County, where Limon is located, has indicated it will not honor the Colorado law, but state Rep. Alec Garnett (D) said the law allows for requests to be turned down.


He told CBS4 that in this case, the mechanism for denying a request worked as intended. The reasoning behind the judge's denial was not immediately made public.


The details of red flag laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but Colorado’s allows law enforcement to seek temporary protection orders or confiscation orders from a judge for a person deemed a danger to themselves or others, with a court hearing required within 14 days of an order being granted to determine whether to extend the confiscation, with a cap of 364 days.

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:49 a.m. No.7808718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8753 >>8826 >>8871 >>8902

More Cuckery: Lawmakers to call on ICE to release all transgender detainees


House Democrats plan to call on a key immigration agency to release all transgender people who are currently being detained, arguing that the U.S. has failed to follow guidelines to protect individuals who face more perilous conditions in detention than other migrants.


“We write to demand the release of all transgender people currently detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),” the letter to ICE is expected to say, according to an early copy obtained by The Hill.


“Transgender migrants and asylum seekers are particularly vulnerable to sexual harassment, solitary confinement, physical assault, and medical neglect. These inhumane conditions and systematic abuses are evidenced in countless reports and accounts by formally detained people,” continues the letter, which will be addressed to acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and acting ICE Director Matthew Albence.


The letter cites research articles from the Human Rights Campaign, Amnesty International and the Center for American Progress in arguing that due to their gender identity, transgender migrants are more likely to face “the pervasive use of solitary confinement” and that they are “97 times more likely to be sexually victimized” compared to “their cis-gender and straight counterparts in detention.”


Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), who is leading the effort, circulated a letter to other Democratic colleagues last week seeking their signatures on his ICE letter, in which he argues there is a legal basis for releasing the transgender detainees.


The letter will make the case that ICE has yet to comply with the fiscal 2020 spending report, which includes language that dictates how the agency should handle the detention of transgender people.


He argues that since they have not followed such guidelines, ICE is “legally obligated to immediately release all transgender individuals currently in its custody.”


Democrats will argue that ICE has failed to comply with a 2015 ICE memo titled “Further Guidance Regarding the Care of Transgender Detainees,” in which the agency’s Enforcement and Removal Operations is directed to consider “initial placements for transgender people.”


Such places, according to the memo, include facilities that have incorporated modifications designed to improve transgender care, designated facilities with protective custody units for transgender detainees and facilities that have demonstrated “best practices in the care of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, or Intersex detainees” as it relates to medical care and personnel with sensitivity and awareness training. Transgender people can also make transfer requests as it relates to his or her transgender identifications.


Under the fiscal 2020 Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill, ICE is directed “to limit the detention of individuals who self-identify as transgender to facilities,” which points back to the 2015 memo. The exception, according to the text, is if “the individual has voluntarily declined placement in such a facility after being informed of the opportunity to do so.”


Quigley says ICE has not provided such modifications as the 2015 memo lays out, arguing that the agency is “legally obligated” to release such individuals.


“As far as we are aware, no facility has ever entered into a contract modification pursuant to the 2015 memo, which means that by the plain text of this language ICE is now legally obligated to immediately release every transgender person in detention,” Quigley wrote to colleagues.


“The agency has options in how it achieves this — it can release people to the community or into supervised alternative-to-detention programming, but it must release them,” he added.


Quigley's office, which did not immediately respond to comment, set Friday as the deadline for signing onto the letter.


“The United States is bound by domestic and international law to protect—not punish—vulnerable populations escaping from persecution. We demand that ICE abide by these laws by immediately granting the release of all people who identify as transgender currently in their custody,” the letter concludes.

Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 14, 2020, 2:01 a.m. No.7808749   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>And 6 more pages by the hand of Serge Monast


>The Red Aurora



Anonymous ID: a12b68 Jan. 14, 2020, 2:05 a.m. No.7808755   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>Pour ceux qui peuvent lire en français




>Je ne sais pas s'il y a une traduction en anglais.




For those who can read in French


I don't know if there is an English translation.