Anonymous ID: a31d4c Jan. 13, 2020, 11:22 p.m. No.7808291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7807494 (PB)

Stopping the evil fuckers will require identifying exactly who they are, how they think and operate, who they associate with, then ruthlessly removing all of them from our world in whatever manner is the most efficient. Then, making a detailed record of why this had to happen, with explicit rules set from this point forward for how not to think, who not to trust, what not to believe. As you can reasonably surmise, that is one difficult and complicated chore. Likely very messy. Me? I can't stand the level of stupidity interwoven with evil. This whole scenario we've been awakened to is so beneath me. So fing stupid, all of it. I will join in whatever messy chore is required to bring "justice" into Full Speed Ahead mode instead of this painfully idiotic slow crawl. Even just starting it would be nice. I'm through playing rope a dope. Hand wringing is not my thing.