Anonymous ID: d2838c Jan. 14, 2020, 1:22 a.m. No.7808656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8686 >>8833 >>8923

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1.20.17. DJT’s Inauguration.


JFK’s “To the Moon” speech.


State of the Union addresses.


When the American president takes to the podium to deliver a speech, the possibility exists for him to walk away from the stage having changed the world.


This role has historically been the mouthpiece of the NWO.


They foolishly, and arrogantly reveal their plans for those with ears to hear.


“Out of these troubled times, a New World Order can emerge.”


When DJT takes to the podium, there is no telling what the outcome will be.


A match tossed into a box of fireworks, left to its own devices.


Bold promises were made in Trump’s inaugural address;


“We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.”


For those who are paying attention, the anticipation for these promises to be delivered upon is palpable.


On 7.4.2019, POTUS’s “Salute to America” seemed to be a fertile ground for some of these promises to sprout forth from.


A speech reminiscing American ingenuity, technological breakthroughs, and the fruits of war, of which common people might eventually reap the benefits from.


For those who were aware of the potential for this address to deliver a truly bombshell revelation, this was the ultimate nail-biter.


America teetered on the threshold of the future, bracing itself to witness the falling of a veil that has kept us locked in a Dark Age.


[Fossile Fuels]


The trajectory of the speech had the potential to kick off a new industrial revolution, an advancement for humanity, the likes of which had not been witnessed since the invention of the airplane.


We would not say that the presentation failed to deliver.


While it didn’t deliver the great revelations we may have been hoping for, what did it do?


Setting the Stage.


We were shown a door, in exquisite detail.


Not just a door, a portal.


A portal to the future of our civilization.


One that after we step through it, there will be no going back.


Many people are not yet ready.


They may be ready to drive a flying car, but they are not ready to understand where the technology came from.


Humanity as a whole may not yet possess the peace of mind to not repurpose advanced energies for evil.


What we did witness was a B-2 stealth bomber flying over the Lincoln Memorial.


This craft may not rely on entirely conventional systems of levitation and propulsion, so in that sense, we may have witnessed something extraordinary.


Most people just did not have the capacity to process it.


When will the new technology be explained to people in layman’s terms?


A lot of people have a lot of catching up to do.


We are here to help.


Many people do not believe that levitation, or new energy sources are even possible.


Many people would have their minds shattered if they were shown something that did not conform to their expectations.


Many people would proverbially shout, “Witchcraft!” if they saw something they couldn’t reconcile.


On July 4th, we stood on the edge of a cliff looking down not on certain death, but on a dangerous arial squirrel-suit course leading to broken world records, and ultimately the New Earth.


The main takeaway was this: Space Force will eventually have to reveal its hardware to the public.


The hype is tangible.


We have been led to expect something radically new.


Something revolutionary.


The primary constraint will be how to flaunt our achievements, without revealing classified technology to our enemies.


We stand at the cusp of new paradigms in warfare, energy, and consumer technology.


In reality, these technologies already exist, but to bring them into the light of day is like walking through a field of landmines.


If certain technologies were to fall into the wrong hands, the result could be devastating.


One could argue that they’ve already been in the wrong hands for some time, but at least we’re still here, aren’t we?


Patience is a virtue.


Hold the knowing that better technologies are possible.


Investigate them yourself if you possess the technical capacity.


Spread the word that new great things are on the horizon.


Trust the Plan.